Discussion of article "Deep neural network with Stacked RBM. Self-training, self-control" - page 5


Awesome article, I am having a bit of issue getting it running however.

I have pointed the R installation, plus the required libraries are installed, however when ever I launch I always get Rterm Crash (init) error.

What am I doing wrong here?


Quantum_Trading :

Awesome article, I am having a bit of issue getting it running however.

I have pointed the R installation, plus the required libraries are installed, however when ever I launch I always get Rterm Crash (init) error.

What am I doing wrong here?


Check which version of the installed darch library. If the version of the library is darch_0.12, then the scripts will not work. They are written under version 0.10. This issue has already been considered in this thread.

Good luck

Dear all, 

Can someone tell me what the --Dig-- defined in ZZ function variable means. Is it a constant? if yes what should the value be of this constant?    


hzmarrou :
Дорогой всем,

Может кто-то сказать мне, что означает -Dig--, определенное в переменной функции ZZ. Это константа? Если да, каково значение этой константы?


This is the number of digits after the decimal point. In the MQL, this is Digits () = 5 or 3. It is transferred from MT to R at initialization.

Good luck


Dear Vladimir

I have Oanda MT4 version 4.0   build 1090,  19 May 2017   and R version 3.3.1

When I try to run your expert (e_DNSAE) , the DebugView shows in the the  #2 line Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function. may be that the mt4Rb7.dll is not compatible with this build of MT4? All of the files (mqh, dll, R) are in the correct folders. What can I do?

Thank's for your help in advance


Akos Kiss :

Дорогой Владимир

У меня есть версия Oanda MT4 версии 4.0 1090, 19 мая 2017 года и версия R 3.3.1

Когда я пытаюсь запустить своего эксперта (e_DNSAE), DebugView показывает в строке # 2 Неверный параметр, переданный функции C runtime. Может быть, что mt4Rb7.dll несовместим с этой сборкой MT4? Все файлы (mqh, dll, R) находятся в правильных папках. Что я могу сделать?

Заранее спасибо за помощь



Check the version of the darch package. It must be v (0.10.0). Look at this thread has already discussed this issue. Probably you have version 0.12. Install the correct version.

Good luck



i am try to test, and i found this error :

2017.07.26 20:00:24.147    e_DNSAE GBPUSD,H1: array out of range in 'e_DNSAE.mq4' (158,48)
on this  : printf("2: %g, %g\n",signal[0], signal[1]);

and if i delete this line i hve the error on the next line :

  sig = signal[0];


Gianni Pellizzaro :


i am try to test, and i found this error :

2017.07.26 20:00:24.147    e_DNSAE GBPUSD,H1: array out of range in 'e_DNSAE.mq4' (158,48)
on this  : printf("2: %g, %g\n",signal[0], signal[1]);

and if i delete this line i hve the error on the next line :

  sig = signal[0];



Such an error did not appear to me. I'll check.

best regards


Vladimir Perervenko:


Check the version of the darch package. It must be v (0.10.0). Look at this thread has already discussed this issue. Probably you have version 0.12. Install the correct version.

Good luck

Dear Vladimir

Thank you, really, the wrong version of darch was installed, I correct it. The error message didn't disppear from the output of DebugView, but the R script is running. My new question: there is any opportunity to print information from the running R script (under MT4) to the monitor screen? I tried a simple     print("xxxxxxx")       lines insert to the e_DNSAE  script, but it didn't appear neither on the screen nor on the DebugView's output. I want to print, or dump data from the running R script, to follow the counting. What can I do?    

Thank you in advance, and best


Akos Kiss :

Dear Vladimir

Thank you, really, the wrong version of darch was installed, I correct it. The error message didn't disppear from the output of DebugView, but the R script is running. My new question: there is any opportunity to print information from the running R script (under MT4) to the monitor screen? I tried a simple     print("xxxxxxx")       lines insert to the e_DNSAE  script, but it didn't appear neither on the screen nor on the DebugView's output. I want to print, or dump data from the running R script, to follow the counting. What can I do?    

Thank you in advance, and best


First, you need to output the value of the variable from R to MT4 (for example, Rgi () if the variable int). Then in MT4 write print (""). The result is in the "Expert" tab