MT5 Updation lost my indicater's source file!!!!! How TERRIBLE!! TOO BAD!!

I have to report this!  This is too bad!!
I have already update one of my indicator {version from 3 to 4},

when I updated MT5 servral day ago as MT5 noticed me to do! It completed and need me to do nothing.
But I found my newest code of this EA have gone nowhere, and I can not found both in MT5's installed directory and the DATA directory! 

As a world-class software,  Please tell me What happened and GIVE ME code back! The codes betweent the two versions of my indecator has too much different!!


I have also complained about this.

Make sure you save the modified indicator under a different name because all original indicators will be overwritten, and recompiled, upon update.


Maybe you can use a data recovery tool to retrieve the old version of your indicator.

I'm not a computer expert but is it possible that when the MT5 files are updated to a new version, the data itself is not actually physical overwritten on the hard drive and is still present on your drive.

Try something like this:


Give your indicators different names as Marco says and make backups of your indicators on different hard drives and USB's in case the drive itself fails.


I don't understand anything about these "complaints". MT5 (or MT4) update don't change your source code.


This happens when you modify a example or system indicator or expert and overwrite it keeping the same name.

Then a (forced) update comes along and all of your hard work get overwritten by the original standard indicator/expert.

So you lose your work unless you saved it under a different filename.

Needles to say, this is what some new comers do, they are not experienced with coding so they start by examining and tweaking + testing the available standard indicators/experts,

That come with the Terminal and this then becomes their work of art.. so yea i can see how it causes distress when it gets lost.

Alain Verleyen:

I don't understand anything about these "complaints". MT5 (or MT4) update don't change your source code.

It's just happend: ALL of the mql5 file modified recently  lost , but just the code files weird became the old version months ago. 

You can see the picture, the version 3.02, which means its the very beginning version of this file ,and  the worked version is 4.20.

I thinks there's sth related to the Edtior.

My purpose is to report this to the company , and hope the MT5 became better and better!

Why someone suggest to change the name of the code files?  If everythings work well. 

Many Thanks, I've recreated some of the code yet, I have backups of the codes before this month.

Marco vd Heijden:

This happens when you modify a example or system indicator or expert and overwrite it keeping the same name.

Then a (forced) update comes along and all of your hard work get overwritten by the original standard indicator/expert.

So you lose your work unless you saved it under a different filename.

Needles to say, this is what some new comers do, they are not experienced with coding so they start by examining and tweaking + testing the available standard indicators/experts,

That come with the Terminal and this then becomes their work of art.. so yea i can see how it causes distress when it gets lost.

It's not true,  believe it or not. There's  no war of words, and there's no needs of schadenfreude.

I just don't know why the code became the version months ago, when I finnaly find them under the DATA directory.

I 've recreate some of the code yet.

Chunyong Guo:

It's not true,  believe it or not. There's  no war of words, and there's no needs of schadenfreude.

I just don't know why the code became the version months ago, when I finnaly find them under the DATA directory.

I 've recreate some of the code yet.

You can always write to ServiceDesk.