Need help debugging!


This indicator is to draw a horizontal line(x) at 50% of every closed D1 candle from High to Low IF the value of x is more than the OPEN price and less than the CLOSE price of a LONG CANDLE, and vice versa.

and during the close of the candle, there will be a function to delete any existing lines(from previous candles) if the lines are NOT EQUALS to value of x


I have tried it and it is working about 90%, but there are always 2-3 missing lines that is supposed to be drawn but wasn't drawn out.


Anyone can help? below is the code 




//|                                                      ProjectName |

//|                                      Copyright 2012, CompanyName |

//|                              |


#property indicator_chart_window       // Èíäèê. ðèñóåòñÿ â îñíîâíîì îêíå

#property strict

input bool     UsePeriodD1=false;         // Draw line on Period D1

input int      MaxCandleD1=0;             // Candle for Draw (if set 0 Draw for all candle)

input color    colorD1=clrRed;            // Color line on Period D1

input int      widthD1=1;                 // Wigth line on Period D1

input bool     backD1=true;               // BackGround line on Period D1

int   Counted_bars_D1=0;


int init() // Ñïåöèàëüíàÿ ôóíêöèÿ init()




   return(0);                             // Âûõîä èç ñïåö. ô-èè init()



//|                                                                  |


int deinit()



   return(0);                             // Âûõîä èç ñïåö. ô-èè init()



int start() // Ñïåöèàëüíàÿ ôóíêöèÿ start()


   int i,j;

   string object;
























                           ObjectGetDouble(0,object,OBJPROP_PRICE)>iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,i) && 










                           ObjectGetDouble(0,object,OBJPROP_PRICE)<iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,i) && 





















   return(0);                             // Âûõîä èç ñïåö. ô-èè init()

