Access to Bollinger Bands Widht array in main code


I'm having difficulties to generate and access a BBandsWidht ARRAY of a period in my main code, as it's not a built in indicator.

Tried to use iCustom but it doesn't allow me to pass the array.

Does anybody know how to deal?


Vasyl Nosal:

Yes. I'm new to MQL5.

I'm using a base class and derived classes to return indicators values.

As BollingBandsWidth is not a builtin indicator I'm not able to copy it's buffer with CopyBuffer() and send it.

Att: BollingBandsWidth is equal to (BB Upper Band) - (BB Lower Band).

Any clue?

Thks a lot


Yes. I'm new to MQL5.

I'm using a base class and derived classes to return indicators values.

As BollingBandsWidth is not a builtin indicator I'm not able to copy it's buffer with CopyBuffer() and send it.

Att: BollingBandsWidth is equal to (BB Upper Band) - (BB Lower Band).

Any clue?

Thks a lot

obv indicator example.

int OBV_h;
void OnInit()
//obv handle

void OnTick()

double OBVs_f(int CC)
double obv[];

Vasyl Nosal:

obv indicator example.

Thanks again Nosal. But it seems I can't access iIndicator function because BBW is not a built in indicator. CopyBuffer works just with buit in I guess..
Thanks again Nosal. But it seems I can't access iIndicator function because BBW is not a built in indicator. CopyBuffer works just with buit in I guess..

Bolinger is in mt4.

if you need custom

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