Why cant I see my Agents on my LAN


Hello to all,

I have several computers on my local LAN and they are all a part of the Metaquotes Cloud and when I go to my profile here on MQL5 I see all of my agents and they are being used on the cloud.

But None of them can see each other with the Tester. They can all talk to each other in windows but the tester can see them. what could be causing this problem?

Thank you for your Time



I have several computers on my local LAN and they are all a part of the Metaquotes Cloud and when I go to my profile here on MQL5 I see all of my agents and they are being used on the cloud.

But None of them can see each other with the Tester. They can all talk to each other in windows but the tester can see them. what could be causing this problem?

Please clarify, "But None of them can see each other with the Tester" - what do you mean exactly? You don't set them in the strategy tester (as remote agents)?

Hello Alexx,

Yes I can go to any machine on my LAN and when I scan the subnet or when I specify a IP address on my LAN the strategy tester doesn't see any other agents on the LAN. The Cloud sees all of my machines and agents.

Thank you for your Time


Yes I can go to any machine on my LAN and when I scan the subnet or when I specify a IP address on my LAN the strategy tester doesn't see any other agents on the LAN. The Cloud sees all of my machines and agents.

So you go to Agents tab in Strategy Tester -> Right click -> Add -> Scan Network -> Next and then you see an empty list, right?

Have you checked the firewall settings?


So you go to Agents tab in Toolbox -> Right click -> Add -> Scan Network -> Next and then you see an empty list, right?

Have you checked the firewall settings?

Hello Alexx,

I have already port forward them, is there anything else I can do? like I said each machine can talk to each other via windows.


Would be nice that MT5 do all this work for us.

If we can see the agents from several computers in the cloud (https://www.mql5.com/.../agents/list), why not autoconnect then from the cloud without needed the IP number of all computers to search then?



Hello Alexx,

I have already port forward them, is there anything else I can do? like I said each machine can talk to each other via windows.

What about my first question? "So you go to Agents tab in the Strategy Tester -> Right click -> Add -> Scan Network -> Next and then you see an empty list, right?"

I ask this, because if you try to see your agents using MetaTester 5 Agents Manager, then this is no mistake but a feature. See the FAQ section.

Frequently Asked Questions about Setting up MetaTester 5 Agents Manager - MQL5 Cloud Network
Frequently Asked Questions about Setting up MetaTester 5 Agents Manager - MQL5 Cloud Network
  • cloud.mql5.com
Frequently asked questions about setting up MetaTester 5 Agents Manager

Would be nice that MT5 do all this work for us.

If we can see the agents from several computers in the cloud (https://www.mql5.com/.../agents/list), why not autoconnect then from the cloud without needed the IP number of all computers to search then?


This is impossible. MQL5 Cloud Network and Remote Agents are separate functions.
Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
  • cloud.mql5.com
Connect to the MQL5 Cloud Network (Cloud Computing) and earn extra income around the clock — there is much work for you computer!