Large deposit under management on forex


What are limitations on forex? Is it real to manage 100mln usd for example?

Which broker would you advise? And what's the pros and contras of trading such huge amounts via metatrader on forex market vs stock market/other markets? Liquidity, spreads, broker fraud issue etc. Welcome to the discussion.

Sergey Kardash:

What are limitations on forex? Is it real to manage 100mln usd for example?

Which broker would you advise? And what's the pros and contras of trading such huge amounts via metatrader on forex market vs stock market/other markets? Liquidity, spreads, broker fraud issue etc. Welcome to the discussion.

Sky is the limit :) There is  $5.3 trillion per day traded in $. 

John McClark:

Sky is the limit :) There is  $5.3 trillion per day traded in $. 

I know about that. Sorry, my question was a bit stupid. It was all about how to get access to such liquidity without additional spreads and possible fraud. And the obvious answer is to become broker on my own then... If anybody have some thoughts/knowledge/experience about that they are welcome to add. What was really interesting - are there institutions/brokers which can give leverage for large deposits (i believe 1:100 leverage for 100K usd and 100M is different thing, not every broker can afford)...
John McClark:

Sky is the limit :) There is  $5.3 trillion per day traded in $. 

Seems Sergey asking about to invest signle person on forex trading about 100 million dollars!

is this safe and secure to avoid fradulent brokers? how to avoid such a brokers etc!

same question in my mind also for long time?

please share the tips!


Seems Sergey asking about to invest signle person on forex trading about 100 million dollars!

is this safe and secure to avoid fradulent brokers? how to avoid such a brokers etc!

same question in my mind also for long time?

please share the tips!

Yeah, I mean overall spectrum of such questions related to large deposits. Sorry, may be the questions itself can be not relevant to the large picture so don't hesitate to point the errors in editing it as well. 

Sergey Kardash:

Yeah, I mean overall spectrum of such questions related to large deposits. Sorry, may be the questions itself can be not relevant to the large picture so don't hesitate to point the errors in editing it as well. 

Create your own broker, that way you manage everything :) and no risk of fraud....
John McClark:
Create your own broker, that way you manage everything :) and no risk of fraud....
That's obvious step. Is it still possible to trade using Metatrder and don't create large tech support team? I think the answer depends on whether initial forex providers support metatrader platform or not... Where can one know architecture of forex trading? (initial providers, physical location of their terminals, liquidity - i believe 5.3 trln is overall liquidity)
Sergey Kardash:
That's obvious step. Is it still possible to trade using Metatrder and don't create large tech support team? I think the answer depends on whether initial forex providers support metatrader platform or not... Where can one know architecture of forex trading? (initial providers, physical location of their terminals, liquidity - i believe 5.3 trln is overall liquidity)
If you want to trade such amount you should contact some banks, not an usual retail broker.
Alain Verleyen:
If you want to trade such amount you should contact some banks, not an usual retail broker.
Thank you for advice!
Alain Verleyen:
If you want to trade such amount you should contact some banks, not an usual retail broker.
totally agree with you.
Open a credit line. Dnt give a broker that cash