Cloud agent


(1) According to what i read in this link 100Agent PR for 1hour will earn me 0.01 credit.

But i have more that 100agent PR for 24hours and my credit is not even up 0.01. Why? please, i need explanation/interpretation if i miss interpret it.

(2) accordint to what i read in this page under the below topics

What is the cost of one PR unit per unit time?


How much will I get from the overall profit earned by my agents?

Is this means that there are two ways to earn credit by an owner of tester agent. One by PR and second by minus 10% of commission?

If i am right; when is that of minus 10% of commission will be paid to the owner of tester agent?

Questions Concerning Payment for Participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Questions Concerning Payment for Participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Questions concerning payment for participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network - distributed computing network

1. Time - is the time spent on real calculations by agents (not just the time they are online). In MetaTester on the Overview tab you can view the real amount of work done by the agents and the time spent on it.

2. No, there is only one way. You get paid according to the formula minus 10% commission


It has been my observation and I could be wrong in this.

An Agent with a higher PR will receive more jobs then one with a lower PR. There for the potential for earning is higher. 

I have the following agents running




 The i7 CPU has a much higher PR rating and also earns more then the other two agents combined.  

Again this is strictly my observations. I have only been running the meta tester for a few weeks.  


 Yes, you are right.

I want to ask when will the Formula minus 10% commission be paid to my account?
I want to ask when will the Formula minus 10% commission be paid to my account?

Please see the FAQ section on payments:

My agents are loaded with calculations, but no payments are transfered to my accounts.

All charges for calculations run in the MQL5 Cloud Network are made at the end of the day, you'll see them the next day in the Payments section of your Profile.

Questions Concerning Payment for Participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Questions Concerning Payment for Participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Questions concerning payment for participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network - distributed computing network