What You Think? Initial Deposit 120 & Target is 1000 for first Withdrawal - page 2


Started Own Challenge 04/01/2016 17:18

Expiry Own Challenge 03/07/2016 17:18 

"First Target From 120 to 1000 in 6 months (Expected 150 Days)" 

Current Position (06/01/2016):

  • 16% Growth
  • Account Goes: From 120 to 141
  • Time Left: 98.5%
Thanking You :)

Started Own Challenge 04/01/2016 17:18

Expiry Own Challenge 03/07/2016 17:18 

"First Target From 120 to 1000 in 6 months (Expected 150 Days)" 

Current Position (07/01/2016):

  • 32% Growth
  • Account Goes: From 120 to 159
  • Time Left: 147 Days
Thanking You :)
You make trade Automated or manual?
Publish the signal so ppl can see everything and not take your word for it :)

Yesssss,  My Target Achieved 120 to 1000

Now I am going to next target 


My Second Target 500 to 5000 started now
