MT5 cann't login and register


MT5   cann't login and register.

Please provide more details. Client terminal build number, OS type, the server you're trying to connect to (MetaQuotes Demo?)
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Client Terminal Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Client Terminal Properties - Documentation on MQL5

With MT5 i get the same issue on i386: cant create a new account because the whole terminal quickly freeze.

After googling around, i finally found that Activating the Events to get the sound (.wav) was the problem. As this feature is activated by default, the solution is to disable it before creating a new account. I confirm too that re-enabling this feature after the account created, will again freeze the system after a while; it disturb the liveupdate system too. (posted on service-desk) 


MT5   cann't login and register.

Me too. I've been trying to login for a long time. I was happily using the MIG-Demo server to develop my EA and suddently it stopped working. The server is up with normal ping. Maybe my account has expired?

Had to quit to MIG and created a new demo account with Alpari wich is now the ATC major sponsor.

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5
Please provide more details. Client terminal build number, OS type, the server you're trying to connect to (MetaQuotes Demo?)

 OS:win7  . MT5 version 5.0 build number 655

In my computer, all MT5 client terminals     cannot connect to the corresponding server


 Cannot create new account

Please provide more details. Client terminal build number, OS type, the server you're trying to connect to (MetaQuotes Demo?)
Me too, build 655 on Windows 7.

 OS:win7  . MT5 version 5.0 build number 655

In my computer, all MT5 client terminals     cannot connect to the corresponding server

What happens when you select one of the servers shown in the screenshot and press Next?

You can also try to add the server and try to open account there


Please note: in the screenshot, the server  connection failed. 



Please note: in the screenshot, the server  connection failed. 




I have the same problem.  have tried to connect, but failed. 


Did you check your Internet connection?

Please, show the log file of the client terminal (located in terminal_installaiton_path/Logs/ directory) for the time period when you try to connect.

You can also try to download the distributive and re-install the terminal.


I think what MetaQuotes wants to know from you guys are :

1. What the OS , is it XP, Vista  or 7, and is it 32 or 64 bit ?.

2. Where did you install the MT5, is it in C:\Program Files\... or is it somewhere else ?

3. Do you have the same connection problem with any MT4 - that is MT4 not MT5 ?.

4. Check your Firewall and router if there's any ?. 

Just give those infos here, and let Alexx/MetaQuotes figure that out - not just telling "I can't connect !!!", they need more details that that.

Good luck.
