ChartNavigate problem - page 2


It's just a test for the ChartNavigate function, it's not supposed to make sense otherwise.

As it was already pointed out, the outcome of this function should be the same with the same parameters every time it's called regardless of the amount of calls. And it does not. 


It's just a test for the ChartNavigate function, it's not supposed to make sense otherwise.

As it was already pointed out, the outcome of this function should be the same with the same parameters every time it's called regardless of the amount of calls. And it does not. 

  • There is no problem with this function, only with your test.
  • That makes no sense to call a function, which redraws the display, 10.000 times in a row.
  • That makes no sense to call this function more than once. You only need to call it when needed.
  • Add a Sleep(25) and your "problem" is gone.

So in financial markets it's ok to have a function that does not do the same thing 10.000 times. I hope you realize that in any IT sector that's unacceptable :)

Your Sleep 25 is still only a workaround with severe time consequences to any program execution.