How can I check that my virtual server is running correctly!




 Question 1

I use a virtual server, everything has worked great until I sync today and immediately after that it closed partial end on 5 positions. This can not be a coincidence? I have not made any changes in the positions. Why should it be closed or sub-end 5st positions in the 30s when my robot typically makes a total of 10-15 sub-end in a day?

Is it possible to se if my viritual server is running correctly through my phone ?

Question 2

When I save my 25 charts settings for profiles in the default and then open them again disappear one and another pops up instead, communicator says when I open the file of viritual server?


Question 3

How can I ensure that my virtual server is not full of memory (CPU=0, memory=70Mb, disk=17Mb) how many charts can I download if I do not have anything on them, only settings? 




What kind of server are you using and what kind of phone?

On all android phones remote desktop client can be installed to connect to windows based servers.