SendMail() in HTML Format


Hi All, 

I've just realised that the SendMail() function seems to recognise basic HTML coding. I have an EA that emails me alerts when certain events happen. It would be good to have it look a little nicer than just text so I've tried some basic HTML code like the header tag <h1> and it formatted it correctly in the email.

Thing is I've noticed a few of threads on the forum about using DLL's or SMTP clients in order to get emails alerts into HTML format. So I had thought I would need to go down that route but it seems to read simple HTML just fine.

Few questions if anyone can help...

1) Is this something new that's been added in a recent update? (i.e. is this why there are threads talking about various workarounds)

2) Will it recognise all HTML code and tags? Such as if I wanted to add tables or other formatting?

3) Is there a way to get images or attachments into the email, such as if I wanted to attach a screenshot of the chart? 




James Parker:

As far as I know, SendMail() only sends raw data. If it came out formatted, most likely because it was rendered by your email client/provider.

About your third point, you may need to use a DLL for that.

Enrico Lambino:

As far as I know, SendMail() only sends raw data. If it came out formatted, most likely because it was rendered by your email client/provider.

About your third point, you may need to use a DLL for that.

Thanks for your response on this.

I've found a DLL that can do some of the functionality that I require.