Problem to open "mql5buy" link in Firefox (MT5 under Linux system)



I'm running MT5 over Wine emulation plateform for Linux Ubuntu and everything works fine except the redirection from website. When clicking a link to buy a product, subscribe a signal or downloading free version of an EA then Firefox say there is no application associate with mql5buy protocol.

It looks to be related with the mimeTypes.rdf file in my Firefox profile. I also have a Windows system running on my PC so I've copy some part of the file mimeTypes.rdf (file of the Windows Firefox) to my Linux Firefox but still I'm unable to do anything with MQL5 products.

Could you please tell me how I can solve this issue ?




I'm running MT5 over Wine emulation plateform for Linux Ubuntu and everything works fine except the redirection from website. When clicking a link to buy a product, subscribe a signal or downloading free version of an EA then Firefox say there is no application associate with mql5buy protocol.

It looks to be related with the mimeTypes.rdf file in my Firefox profile. I also have a Windows system running on my PC so I've copy some part of the file mimeTypes.rdf (file of the Windows Firefox) to my Linux Firefox but still I'm unable to do anything with MQL5 products.

Could you please tell me how I can solve this issue ?



As far is know the MQL5 market uses the Internet Explorer engine.

I register a new protocol in my mimeTypes.rdf by editing the original version and adding the lines that are in the Windows version of the file. Now I can see the terminal is launch but that's all. It cannot handle products of market place: (
I register a new protocol in my mimeTypes.rdf by editing the original version and adding the lines that are in the Windows version of the file. Now I can see the terminal is launch but that's all. It cannot handle products of market place: (

Why so complicated if you run a Windows system anyway?


Hi guys, follow the steps bellow to register the  URL Handler and be able to open 'mql5buy' link

1) Create the file to handler the URL

Run gedit ~/.local/share/applications/wine-extension-mql5buy.desktop

2) With the following content




Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/cleber/.wine" wine-stable  /home/cleber/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/MetaTrader\ 5/terminal64.exe %u




2.1) Pay attention on your wine's home PATH and Metatrader's path

3) Save and close the file

4) Register the handler

xdg-desktop-menu install ~/.local/share/applications/wine-extension-mql5buy.desktop

that's it ;)

for more information

Desktop Entry Specification
Both the KDE and GNOME desktop environments have adopted a similar format for "desktop entries", or configuration files describing how a particular program is to be launched, how it appears in menus, etc. It is to the larger community's benefit that a unified standard be agreed upon by all parties such that interoperation between the two...

Thank you for the hint @Cleber Adriani

On Debian 11 Bullseye the redirection is only working with chromium. Firefox without Addons (standard-settings) does not work for me. In addition to it i needed a slightly different code for the desktop starter file, see the attached file for it. 

Also i have created a small bash-script to enable it. See this Code. 

Be sure, that you have set your mql5-com account login data in Metatrader 5, section Option -> CommunityTab. Without it, i wasn't able to get indicators into Metatrader 5. After that, the new downloaded indicators appears in navigator-window, directory market. Drag and drop it to your chart. 

#! /bin/bash

## script to enable download of free indicators 
## from on unix operation systems that running Metatrader with wine

## It enable URL-Handler redirection for mql5buy://indicatorname
## start this script as normal user

if ! ls -1 $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/ | grep MetaTrader >/dev/null; then echo "No Metatrader found" && sleep 20 && exit ; fi
MetaTrader_Version=$(ls -1 $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/ | grep MetaTrader | egrep -o "[[:digit:]]")
starterfordesktop=$(echo "$HOME/.local/share/applications/wine-extension-mql5buy.desktop")

cat <<EOF > $starterfordesktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" wine start $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/MetaTrader\ $MetaTrader_Version/terminal64.exe %u

if test -f $starterfordesktop ; then xdg-desktop-menu install $HOME/.local/share/applications/wine-extension-mql5buy.desktop ; fi

exit 0
Yes I am facing this problem from previous some days.I made a little research about this on internet but i found no solution.Anyone help me to get out of this shit!!
Jeremy Michels #:
Yes I am facing this problem from previous some days.I made a little research about this on internet but i found no solution.Anyone help me to get out of this shit!!

Something about what to do -

How to make a search on the forum/Articles/CodeBase/Market/Signals/etc -

How to get MT5 to eat mql5buy:// links on Linux
How to get MT5 to eat mql5buy:// links on Linux
  • 2014.05.28
  • sblandford
I've got MT5 running well on Linux/wine and now I'd like to try out some free EAs...