Market Depth Questions



I'm trying to write an indicator based on DOM information

But the related functions and identifiers (MarketBookAdd, MarketBookGet, etc) show "not defined" error when I compile the program


1) Are these funstions available in MT4?

2) How to fix the "not defined" errors? Do I have to <include> some files?

Best Regards


I don't believe MQLBookInfo / MarketBookGet etc is supported in MQL4

Thanks Stuart

what about compiling errors in MT5? Any sugestions?


Thanks Stuart

what about compiling errors in MT5? Any sugestions?

I hardly ever code in MQL5 so probably not the right person to ask sorry. But I'd suggest posting your code and error logs would be helpful. 


I'm trying to write an indicator based on DOM information

But the related functions and identifiers (MarketBookAdd, MarketBookGet, etc) show "not defined" error when I compile the program


1) Are these funstions available in MT4?

2) How to fix the "not defined" errors? Do I have to <include> some files?

Best Regards


You received a message "not defined" and then ask if they are available, maybe to message error should be "not available" ?

You have to use MT5 if you want MarketDepth.


Thanks Alain for your help

Even under MT5 I got the compiling errors:

What can I do?


Here an image with the errors: