Indonesian Member - page 397

anugerahfitrihati 27:
help me indonesia....

It means that the signal checking machine discovered that your trading account was used as a signal or you used this account to subscribe to the signal.
You need to use the other trading account to create the signal.

Agung Siswanto:

He is Chancellor here :D

Kerennn master kita... lets give applause.
Salam kenal semua! Ijin gabung :) 
Agung Siswanto:

He is Chancellor here :D

Yes.. by the way where is he in these days ?

salam kenal

saya newbe baru belajar... mohon bimbinganya...

Kita semua sdh applause lho buat mbo.. sssaaahhh menjadi ketua perwakilan yg ditunjuk sbg master trading.. hehehe
fine.what a short 
Ade Sandra:
salam kenal

slmt datang mba di Indonesian member salam kenal 


 hehe.... ane masih kekurangan ilmu lebih suka muter muter daripada master... hehe diatas langit masih ada langit kwkwkw

kemarin ada mbakter... sekarang  master... besok paklikter dan bulekter soale kabeh wis pinter pinter.. kwkwkw

psikiater.... dokter.... helicopter....
Achmad Wijaya:
psikiater.... dokter.... helicopter....

Muter2..mlebu daster...wkwkk....
btw, malam ini jam 00.00 pair GN GA dn GJ pada divergence Om2, siap di sell...