
Hello community,
I was just wondering if it is possible to share full detailed signal info with a friend on mql5 without him having to subscribe? (Basically him seeing all signal details like open orders, time,... And instant update of data). 


Since MQL5 changed its policy about signals in real time so its not possible, 

But you can share MT4 direct access with Investor password 

Waseem Raza:

Since MQL5 changed its policy about signals in real time so its not possible, 

But you can share MT4 direct access with Investor password 

Good and perfect answer. MT4 access is the best way to get instant update.
So before you were able to select what the unsuscribed users could see right?
Before non subscriber were able to see the levels of signals (TIME, SL/TP , Long/Short, Symbol, lot Size)  and without subscription peoples enjoyed trading but no more.