Indicators: Change Timeframe and Zoom Directly in the Chart


Change Timeframe and Zoom Directly in the Chart:

Simple button to change the timeframe directly in the chart.

Author: takycard

Good, but only add to the burden of memory consumption, because the MT4 terminal already provides all the facilities.
Good, but only add to the burden of memory consumption, because the MT4 terminal already provides all the facilities.
yes, no need if you have only one chart open at the time. When you have multiple chart open you have to focus first the windows you want to change and then change the timeframe. it happened often to me to change the wrong charts.  With this solution, no more error possible. :)



Awesome Indicator you got here, just wondering what is the hot key to change the timeframe? i got the - and + for the zoom but not for the timeframe! Thanks!


Здравствуйте. Реально удобно . Вопрос. Какие параметры координат в коде необходимо изменить, чтобы индикатор отображался вертикально в

нижнем правом углу?

EURUSDM1.png  24 kb
Вопрос снимается. Удалось справиться самому. Не без помощи, конечно.
EURUSDM1.png  21 kb

Hi takycard,

This is a great tool. Thanks for providing it.

This is really handy when in full screen mode as it saves me having to exit full screen mode or right click and find in the mouse menu in order to change timeframe or zoom the chart.




Thanks for the handy tool. Is it possible to select the position of the indicator. for the moment it is in the bottom left. Thanks
Thanks for the handy tool. Is it possible to select the position of the indicator. for the moment it is in the bottom left. Thanks
Are you considering to change the position of the indicator to lower right as its nearer to usual position of the mouse pointer. Thanks
Are you considering to change the position of the indicator to lower right as its nearer to usual position of the mouse pointer. Thanks

i can see what i can do :)


God bless.