MetaTrader 4 Web Platform Beta Already Available in Your Browser - page 2

It would be nice to have API or something else to get or receive external commands in the Web Platform.
Bruno Pio:
It would be nice to have API or something else to get or receive external commands in the Web Platform.
We don't plan to have any APIs in web terminal, you can use power of MQL5 for desktop platform if you want to automate something. 
Alain Verleyen:
You can't, only Metaquotes-Demo for now.

I already entered a user login id from my broker.

Now, everytime I started the mt4 web platform, it asks me to enter the password.

How do I exit that login dialog box and create a new demo account from metaquotes?

I've attached a screen shot to show you.

I don't want to hear click on the red "X" button or the cancel button.


Hi Coung,

Web terminal doesn't have open account functionality yet, in order to login you need to get desktop or mobile MetaTrader4 terminal, and open new account on "MetaQuotes Demo" server. If you don't see this server under list, type "metaquotes" and press "enter". Then you can use given credentials in Web Terminal.

Today I noticed that my TP was not executed, alltough price went through the target price. Please check
Capture.PNG  97 kb
Today I noticed that my TP was not executed, alltough price went through the target price. Please check
A sell is closed at Ask price, your chart is at Bid price. Your TP was not hit.


I´m missing the function of scrolling through the charts with Keyboard (Cursor and page up and down).

We are welcome and happy for the new web MT4.
Keep up moving.... Till.... MT5

Hallo zusammen,

Ich habe gerade eine Frage zum Webtrader MT4

Ich habe hier ein kleines Problem. Ich lade mich ein in den  MT4 Webtrader zu einem guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Nun zeige ich mir in den jeweiligen Charts ein Resistance und Supportlinien ein. Dann schließe ich das Ganze. Wenn ich aber einen fremden PC habe, dann bin ich wieder dabei, wenn ich mir einen Wunschplan mache. Wie kann ich das angesagt haben, dass ich von ejdem PC meine angetragenen Charts und die Linien sehe? Eigentlich ist eine Webbasierte Anwendung genau das Richtige für den Mann über die same Konstellation Hut. Mach ich da den Fehler?

Vielen Dank



Hallo zusammen,


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