Additional Row for external Values possible ?


Some of you will create programms for other people.

So it would be comfortable, if external variables could be described in an extra col, named "Definition" or something like that.

See the enclosed picture. Then you know, what I mean.

mql_def.jpg  69 kb
24h-worker posted  :

Some of you will create programms for other people.

So it would be comfortable, if external variables could be described in an extra col, named "Definition" or something like that.

See the enclosed picture. Then you know, what I mean.


There's already quite a nice feature for inputs which I only stumbled on by accident.  If you add a comment (// ...) in the same line as an input variable declaration then the comment text is used in place of the variable.  See


Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Variables / Input Variables
Language Basics / Variables / Input Variables - Documentation on MQL5