$50 Daily - page 4


Olumide Samson:

(I'm only telling you I can guarantee him profit).

Actually you can't , because he can close the position(s) when he is in loss, out of fear or by mistake,

So you can never guarantee a profit, because of external possibilities, you don't have control over.

Exactly. Beyond all, psychological effects...

Olumide Samson:

(I'm only telling you I can guarantee him profit).

I like to specify my reaction because you said him.

this relates to a person.

had you pointed to a system alone in stead of a human being, i'd probably agree with you,

so there certainly is a difference and for as soon as you introduce a person, i disagree with you.

My recommendation is save it , if it was easy to make 50 dollars a day believe me everyone would be doing forex, the true is that yes in forex there potential to make lots but , is easy to loose it all super fast  so study and practice on demo etc  money is always easy to loose in anything and hard to get, truly that's the best advise I could give you, and if you want to try it well start with 100 and see what happens,  that's just my point of view, there never guarantees in the market and however tells you otherwise is lying, the best of luck to you
Okay here is expert take. Yes its possible but in forex you should look at it as an average because you wont be guaranteed it daily i.e. you might make -$5 today, -$10 tomorrow then +$165 the next day and that averages +$50 a day.

50 US dollar earning per day is very vague concept in financial trading.

Fit your goal to expected earning of 50 US dollar. So you average profit and average loss should sum up to 50 Us dollar per day.

Then it is always possible. No deterministic in trading, only probability.

Stuart Browne:

Start with $100 every day. I know many traders that could turn that into $50 every day!

sorry, couldn't resist :D








Hi everybody,

i am just asking myself if there is a way to earn constantly $50 Daily.....if somebody has the answer, i am interested to try.














it depends on your capital and the risk you are willing to take.

for example if you do 0.1 lots for $50 a day, that means if you do 1 lot, it will be 500$ a day on the same trade(s).

so it is relative to what you got and what you decide to order.

Mohammad Soubra:







I think many people missed the point that this was a joke. Let me put it in plain english

I know many traders who can start the day with $100 and end the day with $50