$50 Daily


Hi everybody,

i am just asking myself if there is a way to earn constantly $50 Daily.....if somebody has the answer, i am interested to try.



Hi everybody,

i am just asking myself if there is a way to earn constantly $50 Daily.....if somebody has the answer, i am interested to try.


Start with $100 every day. I know many traders that could turn that into $50 every day!

sorry, couldn't resist :D

Hi everybody,

i am just asking myself if there is a way to earn constantly $50 Daily.....if somebody has the answer, i am interested to try.


HI Gianni,

There are lots of ways to earn money in forex. But there are many more ways to lose money at the speed of light. You can find tons of strategies out there... 

my advice is to study the most you can the market, as long as you will find the strategy that most suited to your personality and trading style..

 mistrusts strategies that promise +1000% / year the end turn out to be overleveraged and burn accounts...

Back to your question, imho an experienced and skilled trader can easily and safely do a 20/30%/year gain. 

So in order to earn 50$ day, you should invest ...let say 40/50k...  

So if you have 50k to invest, yes there are a lot of way to do 50 bucks a day...


Stuart Browne:

Start with $100 every day. I know many traders that could turn that into $50 every day!

sorry, couldn't resist :D

well, sorry for making you lose your precious time.

I know that only $100 can easily become %50....every day.

But with about $2500 can you mannage to do it?

Or can you explain me a way to get it?


Hi everybody,

i am just asking myself if there is a way to earn constantly $50 Daily.....if somebody has the answer, i am interested to try.


Easy to do this.
A walk in the park.

well, i am not a master or a guru, neither have a cristal ball.

The only thing sure, is that i lost my job and need a way to pull out at least a wage from somewhere.

I don't ask for much, just a way to keep on living until i find a new job (very hard in these times) 


well, i am not a master or a guru, neither have a cristal ball.

The only thing sure, is that i lost my job and need a way to pull out at least a wage from somewhere.

I don't ask for much, just a way to keep on living until i find a new job (very hard in these times) 


1) Save your US$ 2,500 until to:

2) You will find a new employment, then:

3) Back with money that you can afford to lose

4) Never believe anyone who tells you that "it is easy".
yes, but with a wife and two kids, $2500 will finnish very fast. :-(
yes, but with a wife and two kids, $2500 will finnish very fast. :-(

With Forex could end up even earlier.

What do you tell to your wife? What to feed your kids every day? ;)

Mine is just advice.

The choice to you.