Can a good strategy make 1000USD to 1 billion USD in 5 years? - page 8


Five years?

Of course it's a YESSSSSS!

Less than 5 years?.... maybe.

But certainly possible in 5 years. 


Come on!

A GOOD STRATEGY can do 50% a month! Based on 50% a month, 1000USD can be converted to 1 Billion in four years. See below

At the end of the 1st year: 1000 becomes 


 At the end of the 2nd, 


 At the end of the 3rd,


 At the end of the 4th


A GREAT STRATEGY can do even more than 50% a month! 

There is one problem though!!!! You have to do so WITHOUT ANY WITHDRAWALS!!! for FIVE YEARS!!!!!!

I consider it sheer foolishness to do so.

Review the analysis yourself

I used spreadsheet to do the maths 

Marco vd Heijden:

there is no need to argue whether this is possible or not.

we can simply do the Math.

runtime: 5 Years, or 1825 Days.

start: 1000 $

stop: $

For Tan Phan Ngoc to reach in 5 years,

He has to make at least 547945 $ profit every day.

You decide if that is realistic or not, especially when starting with as little as 1K $

I disagree with you my friend!

It is possible to make such.

Read my comment and review my projections. 

why not your results ?
Samuel Onyike:

Come on!

A GOOD STRATEGY can do 50% a month! Based on 50% a month, 1000USD can be converted to 1 Billion in four years. See below

At the end of the 1st year: 1000 becomes 


 At the end of the 2nd, 


 At the end of the 3rd,


 At the end of the 4th


A GREAT STRATEGY can do even more than 50% a month! 

There is one problem though!!!! You have to do so WITHOUT ANY WITHDRAWALS!!! for FIVE YEARS!!!!!!

I consider it sheer foolishness to do so.

Review the analysis yourself

I used spreadsheet to do the maths 

wow, its nice, how easy to become millionaire :D 
Khurram Mustafa:
wow, its nice, how easy to become millionaire :D 
easier wriitten than traded
Francis Dogbe:
easier wriitten than traded
yes, therefore I comment, How easy to become millionaire :D 
Marco vd Heijden:

tidak perlu berdebat apakah ini mungkin atau tidak.

kita hanya bisa melakukan Math.

runtime: 5 Tahun, atau 1.825 hari.

mulai: 1000 $

berhenti: $

Untuk Tan Phan Ngoc mencapai dalam 5 tahun,

Dia harus membuat setidaknya 547.945 $ keuntungan setiap hari.

Anda memutuskan apakah itu realistis atau tidak, terutama ketika dimulai dengan sesedikit 1K $

i agree

I just did the math. You will definitely go way more than a billion $ if you compound $1,000 at 50% every month for 60months (5 years).

I will do the math again to verify 


It is going to be over $179bn in 5 years if it compounds at 50% per month for 5 years