Why does MT5 not use the whole space available on the chart?


MT5 has a 'footer' where candles do not print and instead there is a large empty space at the bottom of the chart. I was surprised as MT4 uses the whole of the chart and therefore makes it easier to fit multiple charts on one screen without wasting space. I

have been looking at some MT5 screenshots and candles come right to the bottom in most of them so i'm looking for a fix. Hopefully someone can let me know whats wrong and how to get the candles printing the full height of the chart rather than wasting space for no apparent reason. The shaded area in the charts below shows the threshold where candles won't cross.

So this is still driving me a bit mad. would be great if someone could just confirm that this is the way MT5 is. Not sure why there is the need for a massive border at the bottom of each chart which has no apparent use but maybe i'm missing something?!? 

MT5 has a 'footer' where candles do not print and instead there is a large empty space at the bottom of the chart. I was surprised as MT4 uses the whole of the chart and therefore makes it easier to fit multiple charts on one screen without wasting space. I

have been looking at some MT5 screenshots and candles come right to the bottom in most of them so i'm looking for a fix. Hopefully someone can let me know whats wrong and how to get the candles printing the full height of the chart rather than wasting space for no apparent reason. The shaded area in the charts below shows the threshold where candles won't cross. . 

Do not use fixed scale. Check your chart settings (F8 -> Common tab).

Hi Alain. Thanks for getting back to me. I'm not sure you have understood the problem. i need the scale to be unfixed because i am constantly changing TF's and zooming in and out on multiple charts so i never have fixed scale on. Here is a screen of my scale settings. The problem is a huge portion at the bottom of the chart (15%) is not used by candles when there is NO  scale fix causing the candles to be squashed upwards. I would like the candles to extend all the way down to the bottom of the chart as in MT4. 



Hi Alain. Thanks for getting back to me. I'm not sure you have understood the problem. i need the scale to be unfixed because i am constantly changing TF's and zooming in and out on multiple charts so i never have fixed scale on. Here is a screen of my scale settings. The problem is a huge portion at the bottom of the chart (15%) is not used by candles when there is NO  scale fix causing the candles to be squashed upwards. I would like the candles to extend all the way down to the bottom of the chart as in MT4. 


It should be ok. Which OS are you using ? Which MT5 build ? Which broker ?

the information output to the charts is constantly re-calibrated to make sure all bars fit in the available width and height of the chart consider it auto scaling function on X and Y axis.

you can manipulate by holding down the left mouse button on the vertical scale and swipe up or down.

I'm on windows 7. The i have downloaded forextime MT5 and fxpro MT5 and the same problem exists on both brokers platforms. This is why i'm thinking that it must just be hardwired into the way MT5 works. Though i cannot understand why it is attractive to have a significant gap at the bottom of the chart therefore making the PA harder to read. Maybe you could post a chart from your version of MT5 and i will be able to see whether the candles extend to the bottom of the chart.
Marco vd Heijden:

the information output to the charts is constantly re-calibrated to make sure all bars fit in the available width and height of the chart consider it auto scaling function on X and Y axis.

you can manipulate by holding down the left mouse button on the vertical scale and swipe up or down.

Thanks. The point is all the available height of the chart is not being used - there is a significant gap at the bottom. I am an experienced user so i know exactly what you mean. When the chart recalibrates it does not fill the void i have indicated in my screen shots. 

Multiple charts with pointless gaps at the bottom maing the charts significantly shorter and wasting valuable screen space unnecessary. (black rectangles show wasted space)



compare with MT4 (black rectangles show smaller spaces)



mine is all the way down.