Be careful with high growth signal


There are many high growth signals in begining months but low growth in recently. These signal just attract many subscriber without effectiveness in reality.

Tan Phan Ngoc:

There are many high growth signals in begining months but low growth in recently. These signal just attract many subscriber without effectiveness in reality.

you are right, and it's also a marketing technique, it's just that this technique will not last long because investors are smarter than he is.
That is why you do not just look at the start of a signal, if you are smart and cautious at least.  Give the signal provider time to prove out if it works or not.
I think so ,you all are absolutely right ...

yes there is alot of signal with extraordinary growth . . .  .

just look the review of the signal and read the comments of subscriber then you will able to know how the signal was . . . .

i my self subscribe some fake signal with continuous lose . . . 


I just find a signal with very high growth in 2 months (8000%) due to wrong calculating from admin so I tell to Service Desk to adjust. Now It is correct (77.30%). However the signal also attract 20 subscribers. A deadly mistake.

Look on History:

2015.07.07 19:43 Buy 0.01 USDJPY 122.232

2015.07.07 22:22 122.558

2015.07.07 19:51 Buy 0.01 USDJPY 122.272

2015.07.07 22:22 122.558

2015.07.07 19:51 Buy 0.01 USDJPY 122.272

2015.07.07 22:22 122.563

2015.07.07 19:51 Buy 0.01 USDJPY 122.278

2015.07.07 22:22 122.563

2015.07.07 19:51 Buy 0.01 USDJPY 122.278

2015.07.07 22:22 122.559

2015.07.07 19:51 Buy 0.01 USDJPY 122.278

2015.07.07 22:22 122.562

2015.07.07 19:51 Buy 0.01 USDJPY 122.278

2015.07.07 22:22 122.563

2015.07.07 19:51 Buy 0.01 USDJPY 122.279

2015.07.07 22:22 122.562

2015.07.07 19:51 Buy 0.01 USDJPY 122.279

2015.07.07 22:22 122.562

2015.07.07 19:51 Buy 0.01 USDJPY 122.280

2015.07.07 22:22 122.562

2015.07.07 21:25 Buy 0.01 GBPUSD 1.54491

2015.07.07 22:22 1.54524

2015.07.07 21:25 Buy 0.01 GBPUSD 1.54491

2015.07.07 22:22 1.54517

2015.07.07 22:22 Balance

2015.07.07 19:34 Balance


It deposit 500USD and trade earn profit on same 2015.07.07 but time is different.

It withdraw -496USD on 2015.07.07 22:22 after get profit but you calculate growth on deposit only 4USD.

how taring profit????

Maybe have some mistake or the signals providers make all only looks good as pictures :)

we must be looked  all history order by order , deposits , profits and withdraws ... 

In this August 2015, lot of signal providers proved that, they are really not able to provide good and safe trading strategy for the customers. Lot of subscriber lost their amount. 

This is happened with maximum growth signal during first stage. I had written in details in my article for signal subscribers. Hope that will be very helpful for the subscribers.

You can read that article from this link: 

Wish you happy and safe trading.

Thanks & Rgds,

Pankaj D Costa 

How to find out better signal for copy trade?
How to find out better signal for copy trade?
  • 2015.08.24
  • Pankaj D Costa
In the forex community, everybody knows about copy trades. So, I am not giving any explanation about copy trades. If you like to know about how to do copy trades, you can visit this link to read the...
you are right. But high growth still attract investor, it also can be understood. High gain high risk.