What do you use ?

  • 53% (29)
  • 18% (10)
  • 29% (16)
Total voters: 44

this is another one of them polls that fail.

how come there is only two choices and the rest is forced into a category "none of the above"

it's a lack of knowledge, otherwise there would be more selectable options.

this poll simply can not reflect what we use, for it incomplete beyond measure.

Marco vd Heijden:

this is another one of them polls that fail.

how come there is only two choices and the rest is forced into a category "none of the above"

it's a lack of knowledge, otherwise there would be more selectable options.

this poll simply can not reflect what we use, for it incomplete beyond measure.

For a losing order, is there any other options  to manage permanently or temporarily?

At least hedging should be in the list.

And hedging itself can be divided as well,

you can hedge Straight

you can hedge Inverse

you can hedge Synthetic

you can hedge Pythagorean

you can hedge Paradoxical

Why is there only two examples in your poll ??????????

How is that suppose to reflect what we use with only two options.

This is like saying: What did you drink today?

1. Water.

2. Milk.

3. None of the above.

How many people could have had something else to drink ? it's a useless poll.

And what if you had Milk in the morning and Water in the evening ???

Marco vd Heijden:

At least hedging should be in the list.

And hedging itself can be divided as well,

you can hedge Straight

you can hedge Inverse

you can hedge Synthetic

you can hedge Pythagorean

you can hedge Paradoxical

Why is there only two examples in your poll ??????????

How is that suppose to reflect what we use with only two options.

This is like saying: What did you drink today?

1. Water.

2. Milk.

3. None of the above.

How many people could have had something else to drink ? it's a useless poll.

And what if you had Milk in the morning and Water in the evening ???

What are all u said that comes under stop order. there is no need for me to divide it.

moreover i allowed multiple answers too. 

balachandran chandrasekar:

What are all u said that comes under stop order. there is no need for me to divide it.

moreover i allowed multiple answers too. 

okay if you say so.

Marco vd Heijden:

okay if you say so.

There is a lot of stupid polls on this forum, but we have to be open, people like to think they are free to say all and anything.
Alain Verleyen:
There is a lot of stupid polls on this forum, but we have to be open, people like to think they are free to say all and anything.
The words are very wise.. I absolutely agree..!! ^_^
The words are very wise.. I absolutely agree..!! ^_^

I always prefer Stop Order instead of using Stop Loss. i just wanted to know how about the other traders as well.

i dont understand how it looks stupid to other ss  

balachandran chandrasekar:

I always prefer Stop Order instead of using Stop Loss. i just wanted to know how about the other traders as well.

i dont understand how it looks stupid to other ss  

There was no doubt about if you had a preference between the options you listed, they are just pointing out how limited the choices are in relation to what other options are actually out there.  For example, if you have 20 possible options, and by not including the others, artificially reduce the listed choices to 2 or 3 with no explanation of the limitations by way of subgroups or other methods, then that doesn't serve as an accurate response pool to the type of question you are claiming to want answers to.  It could come across as one of two ways.  Either you are uneducated on the entire list of possibilities (which they might have called stupid which might not have been the best choice of words) or else you are intentionally trying to limit the choices to serve a particular purpose, in which case, asking a poll question like this, in my opinion anyway, is stupid, because you do not want an accurate answer, and the poll is a waste of time.