Time Lag With Data From MT4 - page 3

I should clarify - the MT4 chart is behind my trading platform pricing. If it was the other way round, hey - no problem!

I don't think any one is behind, they are differing, that's all. I suggest you to not become paranoïd.

If you have 1 data feed "behind" an other (no matter which one) than be happy, as Marco said, but I am sure it's not the case.


I understand what you're suggesting regarding having one data-feed slower than the other. I could theoretically use one to put bets on the other ahead of time, and win every time because I know in advance what's going to happen. This is not the case. The data-feed I am receiving is the same one that everyone else is getting, it's just that I am apparently getting it - for some unknown reason - 3-4 minutes later than everyone else. It's absolutely no use to me! Or anyone, for that matter. The feed I am getting is being held up somewhere along the way - and it seems I am the only one suffering. It can only be my computers, or the line from the road into my house, or the line from the exchange to my property, etc, etc. Or the NSA! That's it - they've discovered I'm making insane amounts of money and have instigated an insidious plan to stop me! I should have guessed.

Alright - enough of this silliness. Obviously I have a problem that no-one else is having. I just thought someone might have come across this issue before. My reference to newspaper/TV was to illustrate my situation: everyone else is getting their data right now, whilst I'm not getting it till much later. And it's not much use to me. This only started happening a few days ago. I regularly "calibrate" the difference between MT4 and the trading platform I use, so that I know what the average price difference is before I place a trade. That difference has always been 10-15 points. Lately is has increased up to 50-75 points, as well as MT4 being up to four minutes behind the platform I use. And for no apparent reason that I can discern. If you ever have these issues, and you rely on up-to-the second data to trade - like me - you have a big problem!

The solution would appear to be looking at an alternative provider. MT4 may now be better suited to day-traders or those who aren't concerned about what happens minute-by-minute.

Thanks guys for your contributions. I won't bore you all with any further discussion on this topic.


I am very well aware that many people are, on demo accounts, testing all kind of things... including 'channel chocking' and i also know when a symbol, any symbol is moving rapidly, the feeds freeze, until all things are settled again.

Maybe the demo servers are not quite what you would expect from a... demo server ?

In the early day's, and probably still, people paid fortunes for a fast and reliable data feed, and they all say it was well worth it, and you are complaining about a slow demo feed ?


A demo does not have to be up to the nanosecond it is just to test your strategy, to learn to trade, what would you expect.. and it's free.

Also, it has not been said this happens on all feeds, so you might try another one before signing off MT4 to the day traders.


Last comment - I promise!

Marco - I've been using the same MT4 demo feed for nearly two years, and this problem has only occurred this week - for the first time. Up until this week there has never really been a problem with delayed data. Occasionally there may have been a lag of a few seconds, but I can live with that. I would happily pay for a quality feed - but why bother when MT4 was doing the job for free? My "complaint" in this forum was merely to say I have a problem, to ascertain whether there are any others with the same problem, and hopefully to find a solution. Of course - my first thought was to look at buying a subscription to a "quality" feed. But my biggest concern in this respect was, "what if the data is still slow??" That is, what if there is a system issue - my computer, the copper wires that run to my house, the servers sending the feed, the providers offering the feed, etc. I can find no other comments in any other forums anywhere about there being an issue with MT4. I have uninstalled MT4 six times this week and re-installed it. Still no use. The computer I'm using is about two weeks old - maybe that's the issue? But everything was fine up until a few days ago. My Internet provider told me there were no issues from their point of view. My bill is up to date :) I'm writing all this in case some other poor unfortunate finds they have the same problem. The good news is that I have just solved the problem!

Is it possible for MT4 to be providing two different feeds? Evidently it is. I can only assume that different brokers provide their own version. Previously I had always downloaded MT4 via MetaQuotes. And this was the problem. It appears that MetaQuotes offers a slightly (up to four minutes) delayed demo feed. If this is the case, and the evidence suggests it is, it makes no sense to me. I followed your advice Marco and downloaded MT4 from a different provider - Vantage FX. As the attached screenshot shows, the MetaQuotes version of MT4 (on the left) is currently about two minutes behind the Vantage FX version (on the right). The Vantage version more closely resembles the chart of the platform I use (in the middle) which is what all this was about. I ought to have tried this sooner (instead of wasting four days' worth of trading!) but simply assumed all those offering MT4 feeds would be passing on the same data at the same time. This is obviously not the case, or so it seems. I don't need a demo feed that is "up to the nanosecond" but I do require one that is at least within a few seconds of the market (or the platform). I'd happily subscribe to a live feed if it offered consistent data, but now I'm not so sure that would always be the case. I'll have to do some research.

Thanks again.



Last comment - I promise!


Thanks again.


Happy you found a solution. I didn't notice you was talking about Metaquotes-Server previously, sorry. This server is for testing purpose ONLY, you should never use it to trade, Metaquotes is not a broker, you was simply lucky during 2 years.

You should always use a broker data feed and from a REAL account for real trading.

Good trading.


Marco vd Heijden:

Exactly.. so if i knew what was going to be in tomorrow morning's newspaper, i would place the bet today.

That's like buying tomorrow mornings newspaper, today.

You keep calling it problem, i take it, you are using a demo account, this means you can not reverse the trading, because you will end up with demo money am i correct?

I do not think MetaQuotes is doing this deliberately,

You write suffer from the same problem when real account..., where can i sign up for that ?

Then he would be losing real money instead of demo money, because the price change he is looking for is happening well before (by minutes) the movement is reflected on the charts he is seeing.  For the particular trading method being used, scalping, this time difference is the potential death knell to this style of trading.

My advice, skywalk, is to switch, at least for a little until you can figure out this problem's solution and get back to your preferred method, to a different trading style; one that can work with the information that you have available to you.

I read an article about a group that made € 44.799.735 by using two terminals between two banks but they got busted, eventually, and there is still € 3.776.119 missing..

I am having the same issue that skywalk7 was having.  Vantage FX does not accept US users so I cannot resolve my issue the same way as skywalk7.  Does anyone know of another MT4 feed I could use vice the Megaquotes demo server?

I trade using CherryTrade as my broker which is a white label broker for SpotOption.  I have not been able to find anything in the way of MT4 data feed server information for either.  I tried talking to support via their internal chat but was not able to make any headway.

Thanks in advance

Hello, I noticed that this issue was raised since 2015 or two years ago. I don't know if this problem was cured or not but it happened to me this whole week. When I used MT4 during the very first day, price movement from broker was well concurrent with MT4. I just noticed this unusual this week and found the same problem everyday since then. The worst is today. The widest gap I noticed is around 20 minutes MT4 lagging behind. I compared M1 and it lag around 20 bars which mean it lag behind 20 minutes, wasn't it. I compared two brokers price movement and found that they were concurrent. Just MT4 lag behind both of them. If anyone have answer to this problem, please post in this board. I think that many people experienced this but they may not notice it or compare price during it moved correctly. Don't forget that this is not happening all the time but some period of the day. I attached picture below. This was the moment gap already narrowed. There might be much different compared with 20 bars difference I mentioned.
From picture I attached, you may see that even price bars were different in color and length. It may not even look like the same currency pair or time frame but they are. This picture captured from the same computer at the same moment for EUR/USD with M1 time frame. On the left hand side is MT4 and right hand side is broker’s platform.