Need little help with Array out of range - page 2


So if you put in a Print command to reveal the value of i

   for (i = iBars(NULL, TimeFrame) - 1 - prev_calculated; i > 0; i--) {
      if(TimeFrame == Period()) {
         Up  = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, iHighest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_HIGH, Range, i));
         Dn  = iLow (NULL, TimeFrame, iLowest (NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_LOW,  Range, i));
      } else if(TimeFrame > Period()) {
         Print("Timeframe: ",TimeFrame," i= ",i);
         hightfshift = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, Time[i], true);
         if (hightfshift == -1) continue;
         Up  = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, iHighest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_HIGH, Range, hightfshift));
         Dn  = iLow (NULL, TimeFrame, iLowest (NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_LOW,  Range, hightfshift));
      } else if(TimeFrame < Period()) {
         Print("Timeframe: ",TimeFrame," i= ",i);
         smalltfshift = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, Time[i], true);
         if (smalltfshift == -1) continue;
         timeshift  = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, smalltfshift);
         xshift = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, timeshift, true);
         Up  = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, iHighest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_HIGH, Range, xshift));
         Dn  = iLow (NULL, TimeFrame, iLowest (NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_LOW,  Range, xshift));

      Resistance[i] = Up;
      Support[i]= Dn;

it shows you the value of i


ok, I need to go now, I will try to understand the source and I will tell you later

Thanks for you help Marco


See if you read the pink Time Array


it will read the time of the current chart, and not of your Timeframe.

if you want to read it of the Timeframe period use

   for (i = iBars(NULL, TimeFrame) - 1- prev_calculated; i > 0; i--) {
      if(TimeFrame == Period()) {
         Up  = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, iHighest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_HIGH, Range, i));
         Dn  = iLow (NULL, TimeFrame, iLowest (NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_LOW,  Range, i));
      } else if(TimeFrame > Period()) {
         Print(" prev_calculated: ",prev_calculated,"Timeframe: ",TimeFrame," i= ",i," Bars on chart: ",iBars(NULL, TimeFrame));
         hightfshift = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, iTime(NULL,TimeFrame,i));
         if (hightfshift == -1) continue;
         Up  = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, iHighest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_HIGH, Range, hightfshift));
         Dn  = iLow (NULL, TimeFrame, iLowest (NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_LOW,  Range, hightfshift));
      } else if(TimeFrame < Period()) {
         Print(" prev_calculated: ",prev_calculated,"Timeframe: ",TimeFrame," i= ",i," Bars on chart: ",iBars(NULL, TimeFrame));
         smalltfshift = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, iTime(NULL,TimeFrame,i));
         if (smalltfshift == -1) continue;
         timeshift  = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, smalltfshift);
         xshift = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, timeshift, true);
         Up  = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, iHighest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_HIGH, Range, xshift));
         Dn  = iLow (NULL, TimeFrame, iLowest (NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_LOW,  Range, xshift));

      Resistance[i] = Up;
      Support[i]= Dn;
Marco vd Heijden:

See if you read the pink Time Array

it will read the time of the current chart, and not of your Timeframe.

if you want to read it of the Timeframe period use

Hi Marco, can I suggest you to highlight the changes you made when you post code (I edited your post as an example). Thank you.
Alain Verleyen:
Hi Marco, can I suggest you to highlight the changes you made when you post code (I edited your post as an example). Thank you.
ah ok thanks i have no idea how to do that but i will find it thanks.
Marco vd Heijden:
ah ok thanks i have no idea how to do that but i will find it thanks.

Ah sorry. I used the "background color" button :

Alain Verleyen:

Ah sorry. I used the "background color" button :


oh wow thanks :) im learning something new every day !!

Hi Marco, finally I can fixed it

Thanks again Marco (Y)

   for (i = iBars(NULL, TimeFrame) - 1 - prev_calculated; i > 0; i--) {
      if(TimeFrame == Period()) {
         Up  = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, iHighest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_HIGH, Range, i));
         Dn  = iLow (NULL, TimeFrame, iLowest (NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_LOW,  Range, i));
      } else if(TimeFrame > Period()) {
         hightfshift = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, Time[i], true);
         if (hightfshift == -1) continue;
         Up  = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, iHighest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_HIGH, Range, hightfshift));
         Dn  = iLow (NULL, TimeFrame, iLowest (NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_LOW,  Range, hightfshift));
      } else if(TimeFrame < Period()) {
         if (iTime(NULL,0,i) != iTime(NULL,TimeFrame,i)) timex = iTime(NULL,0,i);
         smalltfshift = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, timex, true);
         if (smalltfshift == -1) continue;
         timeshift  = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, smalltfshift);
         xshift = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, timeshift, true);
         Up  = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, iHighest(NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_HIGH, Range, xshift));
         Dn  = iLow (NULL, TimeFrame, iLowest (NULL, TimeFrame, MODE_LOW,  Range, xshift));

      Resistance[i] = Up;
      Support[i]= Dn;