How long will you become a profitable trader?.


How long will you become a profitable trader?.

I think it takes you about 3 years to become winner.

depends on the effort you put in, nobody is the same.
And it has to do with luck as well, because that does have a bit to do with it as well.  How long it takes you to develop a particular trading system, and then, how much that system generates for you, both positive and negative, ultimately.

See luck does not come into the picture, it is MATH you know how much you can loose, or win, before you even start.

It is MATH... no hope no luck no magic no emotion, just code, clockwork and MATH.

Marco vd Heijden:

See luck does not come into the picture, it is MATH you know how much you can loose, or win, before you even start.

It is MATH... no hope no luck no magic no emotion, just code, clockwork and MATH.

You right. Don't think about luck when you buy or sell.

Don't think at all, just do the calculations.

If you ask me, it's very naive to think that the 3% on the top are 'just lucky

Marco vd Heijden:

Don't think at all, just do the calculations.

If you ask me, it's very naive to think that the 3% on the top are 'just lucky

Didn't say it was "just luck", just said it had a little to do with it.  You can have the best system in the world, but if the trades go against you more than they go with you (dollar value), then it isn't so good.  Yes a good system is necessary, and proper planning.  They by themselves, without that little bit of luck, do not make all of it.  Otherwise, more people would be able to make lots more money from the markets.

If you prefer, you can call what I am calling luck "being in the right place at the right time."


Didn't say it was "just luck", just said it had a little to do with it.  You can have the best system in the world, but if the trades go against you more than they go with you (dollar value), then it isn't so good.  Yes a good system is necessary, and proper planning.  They by themselves, without that little bit of luck, do not make all of it.  Otherwise, more people would be able to make lots more money from the markets.

If you prefer, you can call what I am calling luck "being in the right place at the right time."

it has got nothing to do with luck.

luck is for gamblers, not for professionals.


I consider it an equivalent of a College Education just to get to where I am now, profitable enough to pay 1 of my bills every month.

It took me 5 long years.

5 to 6 hours a day, 7 days a week in front of the computer, while working a 50 hour a week job.