[SOLVED] PlayOnLinux Installation Problem - Requiring proxy during installation


Hi everybody,

I have always installed MT5 on my Ubuntu through PlayOnLinux (with MT5 installation program) without problem.

However, this time, the installation wizard keeps asking me for a proxy even if I don't have one.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem ?

Thank you :)

I have heard other people commenting on a similar problem.  Not sure if this would solve your problem or not, but did you just try ignoring it?  Or is it forcing you to try to go through a proxy server?

When I click "OK", even if there is nothing in fields, the program keeps asking me for a proxy.

When I try to ignore it by clicking "Cancel", installation cancels itself by marking red crosses in front of installation steps (More infos in screenshots)...

By the way, thank you for your reply :)

(Sorry, it's in French. Here is the translation :

- "Spécifier les options du serveur proxy s'il vous plait" : Please specify proxy options.

- "Sélectionnez meilleur point d'accès" : Select best access point.

- "Télécharger des fichiers" : Downloading files.)




It's a common problem it is asking for a proxy because it can not/ failed to set up a secure connection.

Make sure you have the needed packages installed.


Yeah ! Thanks to you, I've noticed that the wine image used by MetaTrader5 installation wizard in PlayOnLinux was outdated.

It is the 1.7.22 and it seems not to handle Mono installation. I've tried with the version 1.7.46 manually and it works !

Conclusion : The author of this installation wizard should change the version :)

Thanks, you two, for your help.


You need to install winhttp library to support downloading files from HTTPS sites. If you're using winetricks, install by:

winetricks winhttp