Will Greece exit the EUR zone?

State your opinion and a short explanation.
Yes ... but Euro will be more stronger than now. 

i hope so for then we will have one more currency to trade.

see if we end up with one world currency there would not be any forex anymore and we would be out of business...


They would and they should but it is not going to happen.  To much prestige lost for the EU if Greece heads for the exit.


 If the referendum on Sunday votes Yes, the Euro will strengthen vs. the USD although this is not the optimal alternative for the EU.  The best solution would be to stop the bleeding by letting Greece abandon the EUR.  In this situation you isolate a ton of long lasting problems with the Greeks but the European union can look ahead to a brighter future.


exit polls give a 50% probability on exit.

Greece situation is a disaster either they exit or not. For Euro their exit is a small impact, probably only some Bonds of certain country will suffer alot.


European leaders appealed to Greeks to vote “yes” in a referendum on their country’s bailout, warning that the risk of Greece’s exit from the euro was real, as Athens confirmed it wouldn’t be able to make a loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund due on Tuesday.

Greece has threatened to seek a court injunction against the EU institutions, both to block the country's expulsion from the euro and to halt asphyxiation of the banking system.
“The Greek government will make use of all our legal rights,” said the finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis.

“We are taking advice and will certainly consider an injunction at the European Court of Justice. The EU treaties make no provision for euro exit and we refuse to accept it. Our membership is not negotiable,“ he told the Telegraph


Another look at the most recent polls



I fully agree with Erik.
Disposed of the initial anger, the "yes" has taken hold.
Moreover, there is a contingent situation. People don't have full access to their funds.
Let's put ourselves in "their shoes". Better a locked euro rather than "God knows what else."
Too many uncertainties behind the decision to leave the euro.
if third and final wave of correction have to form in Day chart of euro, greece should exit.