To MT5 team - a Bloody good job - page 2


I asked MetaQuotes to fix this profile bug, but they won't fix it.

Don't worry, process has begun
Traders not need to know any codes or scripts. If they need custom functions, post task in Job . MQL5 is for programmers not for traders, and traders just need to know how to use the products. That's all.
I agree...

It looks like the world lacks of "real programmers", because of the fact I mention above. I can only find MT4 in lists of available platforms from Dukascopy, FXCM, Alpari... and only demo accounts available for MT5 on Alpari. So, this forum is the one and only place on earth where someone works with this platform really (show me another place, please!).

It's sad, because I actually like some of the features in MQL5 (better visual testing, functions overload). But there's no trader in the world who wants to become "real programmer" to just send some order. The predefined MQL5 functions are tooooooooo complex and crazy for beginners and normal programmers, so for MQL5 one MUST create a bunch of custom functions to be able to just start programming EA's on it.

And when the "real programmers" are the only (and rare) people on earth who can use MQL5, why this platform still tries to exists?

lol seriously dude, I don’t want to trash you but you open yourself for abuse. So I decided not to trash you but teach you a different outlook. You are either a trader or a very old sequential programmer, those that you can't really teach new tricks and don’t like change. It might sound like I’m trashing but I’m not, if you are not one of these two scenarios you deserved to be trashed at :)

Anyway my real comment to you is comming from a programmers angle. You compare MQL4 with MQL5 with available platforms....that is a very temporarily comparison problem that will be sorted next year (worst case sinario guess)....will you then come back to this post and say "I was an idiot"? nope you won’t...sorry I'm trying not to trash. It is clear that you can’t see that the modern languages of today all/most adapted the OO (Object oriented) approached which MQL4 lacks so I would stop comparing platforms and compare language structures and from this angle you would see the language is not so satisfactory to code in.... WOW "I saw a light!". Now you would see the reverse from your comment and you would see that the OO concept is not a temporarily issue like your platform comparison... this is a issue of life and death for MT...I hated MQL4 because once I start my coding blocks and want to reuse them it was a mission...copying adding references....etc painful. It is not structured and it is a mess and if you want new (young) programmers to use MQL5 you need to is a trend weather you like it or not. All students get teached OO languages today. I tell you they won’t like MQL4.

I still think MQL5 is still a bit oldish (C/C++ based) in a way but I understand they wanted make it easy for the ones like you to easily convert (which clearly is still a problem)....Languages like Java and C# continuously improve so MQL5 was a big improvement from MQL4. So be happy with MQL5 because I really think they did a awesome JOB.

Secondly, I honestly advise you to go buy a OO concept book for programmers because you mention MQL5 has much more coding to do than in MQL4.... so by making this statement you clearly don’t know OO principles. Go study the \Includes\Expert classes. Once done you would see a very very bright light (it is blinding at first, but you get use to it) come up and you will notice that they made everything so simple even for a advanced strat. You only write your signal, money management and trailing stop classes and your one quick (copy and paste) expert execution class (if I may call it like that). then you will clearly see that to make something simple you will do it in a hour. more advances in 1 night max.... seriously dude look at this...


Ha ha ha ...

Bloody good job ? Maybe bloody, but not good job - not really.

Try saving a profile in MT5 (b 581) and MT4 (b 409) - just try it :)

Say open only one chart EURUSD and save it as profile entitled "My EURUSD". Later close this EURUSD chart and open GBPJPY chart then save it as "My GBPJPY", then close this GBPJPY chart.

When you select "My EURUSD" profile, MetaTrader will open a GBPJPY chart and not EURUSD chart. So "My EURUSD" profile launch a GBPJPY chart.

I know MetaQuotes among the brightest and smartest and highest common sense in the world, but why bother saving a profile when later MetaTrader self-saved the latest chart.

This "you don't get what you just saved" makes no sense at all. I already complain about this but I don't get proper reply from MetaQuotes.

Before you firing any reply : Try it. Just try saving a profile in MT5 and 4, if you can.

I dare you ... 


understood and very valid as you can see they are looking at it. My point of view and compliment is with a very much long term view in mind. This is something they will sort out...just help logging bugs and they will fix it. Rather log it than blog it... I blog it if they might not respond (like you did) to me in the service desk They may take time to fix but I can clearly see MQL5 has got soul, these people work ridiculously hard and sometimes weird hours (like Sundays, which is not preferred in South Africa) which tells me they do this to build something great something they care and are proud off.

Keep up the good work guys!

Don't worry, process has begun

Hi Rosh, Thank you for your reply. I hope this profile-bug-fixed (and also my other requests :) like confirm before closing, etc, etc, ... ) is implemented first in MT4 .

Again, many thanks for your reply.



understood and very valid as you can see they are looking at it. My point of view and compliment is with a very much long term view in mind. This is something they will sort out...just help logging bugs and they will fix it. Rather log it than blog it... I blog it if they might not respond (like you did) to me in the service desk They may take time to fix but I can clearly see MQL5 has got soul, these people work ridiculously hard and sometimes weird hours (like Sundays, which is not preferred in South Africa) which tells me they do this to build something great something they care and are proud off.

Keep up the good work guys!

 1. I don't think they work on Sunday. Like ordinary people, on Sunday is the day they look for the Sun. By the way, they live in Russia, which probably snowy right now. So Sun-day is fun day if they can find the sun. And I agree they work hard but not ridiculously hard. Hard working never is ridiculous.

By the way,  Rosh has access to my service desk, so he knows what conversations I have with MetaQuotes, which you may call some of their answers : ridiculous. 

2. Yeah ... right, you said it right, they does take time to fix, a very long time in fact. The profile bug exists in MT4 years ago and a lot of people complaints about it - and as I'm writing right now - current build MT4 409 still has it. If they now fix this profile bug in MT4 then it is a very long time to fix a small bug (a small bug because profile is just like a template).

Pardon me, with all respect, but your long term view in mind works with them - in different way.

ToolMaker 2012.02.04 08:19

I introduced a trader to MT5 the other day. He is also a developer but never tried coding EAs. He just used MT4 for its nice charting. He made a comment and expressed it very vigorously that "they have done a bloody good job on MT5" and I thought I might just add it on this forum and say AGAIN good job guys.

Also thanks to the guys that respond to the forums. It helps allot.

3.  A supermodel once said, that if you say that one supermodel is beautiful, you should really see that supermodel with 10 other supermodels, because now, you really can tell (and not just say) that supermodel. In other word, before you saying something good to something, you may want to compare it with other equally stuff.

When I learn forex years ago, I noticed that there were other trading platform beside MT4, most of them is not free (but their demo is free). I begun comparing MT4 with not-free trading platforms like Ninja Trader, Trading Station, to CGQ even Forex Tester (Forex tester is not a trading platform but a offline simulated trading platform using tick data, if i'm not mistaken created by another Russian). You really gonna love comparing like that, because you can see some of benefits or lack of - of your trading platform.

When creating a trading application, you need an indicator. Simply said, an indicator is just a line(s) (or dot(s) or histogram(s)) on a chart. When you plot an indicator to a chart, that line on historical data is called  a developed line while the line with current real time data is called a developing line. You need to see how your indicator behaves with real time data and not historical. However, analyzing real time data will consume too much time. 

This is what a Market Replay is for. Instead, analyzing for hours, a Market Replay can visually/graphically show in short time how line(s) in indicator(s) behave with real time data. MT has only Strategy Tester, which only show us how much profitable or not an EA is, but fail to tell us / to help analyze why/how come an EA is profitable or not.

I wish you have a privilege to have your CI  behave differently with real time data compared to historical data, its really annoying (try create renko chart for simple example).

Stringgo, actually solve this problem, but partially (click here) 

I don't know MetaQuotes's plan of MetaTester Visualisation Mode is, but if it is like Market Replay, then those other trading platform already has it for years.

Again, compare first before you (or your trader friend) say anything. You can do that by comparing MT with other trading platform which will take time, but worth your money. Beside it is your money traded with their trading platform.

I think I have compliment MetaQuotes that they gave MT for free while others are not. However - for the sake of my money - I don't mind paying $$$ for other trading platform if I found it more reliable. 




EATree Visual EA builder is a good solution to this problem:


Discussion of article "Creating MQL5 Expert Advisors in minutes using EA Tree: Part One"
Boxes may contain MQL5 functions, technical indicators, custom indicators, or values.

EATree Visual EA builder is a good solution to this problem:




to what problem? your money problem? 


Hi Rosh, Thank you for your reply. I hope this profile-bug-fixed (and also my other requests :) like confirm before closing, etc, etc, ... ) is implemented first in MT4 .

Again, many thanks for your reply.


 1. I don't think they work on Sunday. Like ordinary people, on Sunday is the day they look for the Sun. By the way, they live in Russia, which probably snowy right now. So Sun-day is fun day if they can find the sun. And I agree they work hard but not ridiculously hard. Hard working never is ridiculous.

By the way,  Rosh has access to my service desk, so he knows what conversations I have with MetaQuotes, which you may call some of their answers : ridiculous. 

2. Yeah ... right, you said it right, they does take time to fix, a very long time in fact. The profile bug exists in MT4 years ago and a lot of people complaints about it - and as I'm writing right now - current build MT4 409 still has it. If they now fix this profile bug in MT4 then it is a very long time to fix a small bug (a small bug because profile is just like a template).

Pardon me, with all respect, but your long term view in mind works with them - in different way.

3.  A supermodel once said, that if you say that one supermodel is beautiful, you should really see that supermodel with 10 other supermodels, because now, you really can tell (and not just say) that supermodel. In other word, before you saying something good to something, you may want to compare it with other equally stuff.

When I learn forex years ago, I noticed that there were other trading platform beside MT4, most of them is not free (but their demo is free). I begun comparing MT4 with not-free trading platforms like Ninja Trader, Trading Station, to CGQ even Forex Tester (Forex tester is not a trading platform but a offline simulated trading platform using tick data, if i'm not mistaken created by another Russian). You really gonna love comparing like that, because you can see some of benefits or lack of - of your trading platform.

When creating a trading application, you need an indicator. Simply said, an indicator is just a line(s) (or dot(s) or histogram(s)) on a chart. When you plot an indicator to a chart, that line on historical data is called  a developed line while the line with current real time data is called a developing line. You need to see how your indicator behaves with real time data and not historical. However, analyzing real time data will consume too much time. 

This is what a Market Replay is for. Instead, analyzing for hours, a Market Replay can visually/graphically show in short time how line(s) in indicator(s) behave with real time data. MT has only Strategy Tester, which only show us how much profitable or not an EA is, but fail to tell us / to help analyze why/how come an EA is profitable or not.

I wish you have a privilege to have your CI  behave differently with real time data compared to historical data, its really annoying (try create renko chart for simple example).

Stringgo, actually solve this problem, but partially (click here) 

I don't know MetaQuotes's plan of MetaTester Visualisation Mode is, but if it is like Market Replay, then those other trading platform already has it for years.

Again, compare first before you (or your trader friend) say anything. You can do that by comparing MT with other trading platform which will take time, but worth your money. Beside it is your money traded with their trading platform.

I think I have compliment MetaQuotes that they gave MT for free while others are not. However - for the sake of my money - I don't mind paying $$$ for other trading platform if I found it more reliable. 



ok you are clearly not happy lol with this reply a question pops to mind which it think i might be able to answer myself if we have something in common, and the question is - If you are so unhappy and you are willing to pay $$$ to the other platforms...why are you on this site? and why do you have a history with MT dating back to MT4?? weird not lashing or being sarcastic, I'm really interested to know?

Yes, I agree it is really bad if the bug is open since MQL4, especially if they don’t reply or don’t tell you they can't fix it....really bad I unfortunately don’t have the experience like you do on this bug. Nice thing is they are working on it in MQL5 so I really don’t hope they fix it first in MQL4 :) I only focus on the future mUHAHAHA my precioussssss :)

Lastly but not least my friend. I did look at one of the trading platforms mentioned. Ninja Trader. It fitted my profile 100% it is C#, I can turn shit into gold in C# but one thing I didn't quite like on first glance was the client...the layout wasn't simple. It took me around 5 minutes to find out how to place a trade. I like the tick simulation or tick generator... that was quite cool but I then stopped and said there are 2 things missing....decent charting and a community....and off course it is not free... so 3 things :)

I then felt the need to do some research between the two applications (not tooo serious research just Google). I compared the to looking for searches in Google. It was a very close call really but most in favour of meta trader. The one thing I believe MT did right and I say this actually without experience of EACH AND EVERY charting app out there, there charting is fabulous in both MQL4 and MQL5. So i then stopped and made a really long and hard decision where to go and I decided MQL5. I must admit I would have coded plenty bots in ninja trader because it was in C#. I have a job and this is a hobby at the moment. I believe the hobby should pay for itself and then can become something permanent if you get the right strat. anyway I still come across traders, professional traders trading for financial institutions (Banks - I work for a bank as well but not in the forex area) and they themselves say they use MT for its charting because it is really awesome.

I had a quick look at trade station but I don’t want to comment here because my knowledge is very very limited. I only googled it comparing it with MT. It looked like it is the preferable automated trading platform for traders (not really good coders) and not programmers. I could see the flexibility here for example I dont think you will be able to execute a dll in trade station?

anyway so I have a bit of knowledge on the platforms but not a expert. I honestly and it is very very tempting to except the offer to compare them in very much detail however I'm forced to manage my free time in such a way that I get best value for my time :) not this stage.

anyway I still believe they are doing a good job. I'm glad they started MT5 because ...really it was about time :)


ok you are clearly not happy lol with this reply a question pops to mind which it think i might be able to answer myself if we have something in common (reply : we don't have anything in common) and the question is - If you are so unhappy and you are willing to pay $$$ to the other platforms...why are you on this site? (reply : My brokers (that's more than one broker ) give me not a lot of choice of trading platform, like it or not I deal with it, that's why i'm here. I actually use $$$ trading platform and copy trade my positions to MT) and why do you have a history with MT dating back to MT4?? weird not lashing or being sarcastic, I'm really interested to know? (reply : profile bug (and some bug) existed since MT4 and still exist in MT5 - just about now they plan to fix it. Why now, why not years ago ?, that the history they about to fix. What you should interested is, why they fix it now)

Yes, I agree it is really bad if the bug is open since MQL4 (reply : and some still continue in MT5), especially if they don’t reply or don’t tell you they can't fix it....really bad I unfortunately (reply : very unfortunate. but you can fortune from our unfortunate experience though) don’t have the experience like you do on this bug. Nice thing is they are working on it in MQL5 so I really don’t hope they fix it first in MQL4 :) (reply : they really have to fix this first on MT4 otherwise their credibility in question because right now people use MT4 to trade real money while MT5 is only a demo for bug fixing, back then we use MT4 with real money and still have bugs) I only focus on the future mUHAHAHA my precioussssss :) (reply : you don't have any experience in the past, right ?, be careful with your future)

Lastly but not least my friend. I did look at one of the trading platforms mentioned. Ninja Trader. It fitted my profile 100% it is C#, I can turn shit into gold in C# but one thing I didn't quite like on first glance was the client...the layout wasn't simple (reply : I agree, don't like c# though). It took me around 5 minutes to find out how to place a trade. I like the tick simulation or tick generator... that was quite cool but I then stopped and said there are 2 things missing....decent charting and a community....and off course it is not free... so 3 things :)

I then felt the need to do some research between the two applications (not tooo serious research just Google). I compared the to looking for searches in Google. It was a very close call really but most in favour of meta trader. The one thing I believe MT did right and I say this actually without experience of EACH AND EVERY charting app out there, there charting is fabulous in both MQL4 and MQL5 . (reply : First you say "without any experience out there" and now you say this is good. If you have no experience, compare first, MT is not that good) So i then stopped and made a really long and hard decision where to go and I decided MQL5 (reply : "without any experience", that wasn't hard nor long). I must admit I would have coded plenty bots in ninja trader because it was in C#. I have a job and this is a hobby at the moment. I believe the hobby should pay for itself and then can become something permanent if you get the right strat. anyway I still come across traders, professional traders trading for financial institutions (Banks - I work for a bank as well but not in the forex area) and they themselves say they use MT for its charting because it is really awesome.  (reply : this is the most laughable part of your comment. Most banks, Hedge funds, professional trader, or financial institutions use either CGQ (mostly stocks), or Currennex (mostly forex), or any platform that FIX API compatible. MT is not FIX API friendly, they need bridge to connect to FIX API,  which slow down the trading process by mere milisecs. FIX API is widely used by liquidity provider, so Banks, Hedge Fund, Professional trader or financial institutions not even using MT. MT also not capable delivering huge amount of information from news broadcasters (Reuters, bloomberg, etc, etc) or other information provider. If they are not using FIX API, they probably use other financial communications like - for example - SWIFT. By the way, if your bank does use MT, that will be MT4 cause MT5 is still on debugging process - No banks I know will use a debugging apps for it's daily operations.  Either your bank needed to be upgraded or you probably ... (fill in the dots). seriously : this is the laughable part. Go Google FIX API and SWIFT).  

I had a quick look at trade station but I don’t want to comment here because my knowledge is very very limited (reply : don't comment with limited knowledge). I only googled it comparing it with MT. It looked like it is the preferable automated trading platform for traders (not really good coders) and not programmers. I could see the flexibility here for example I dont think you will be able to execute a dll in trade station? (reply : never thought about it, not using with real money)

anyway so I have a bit of knowledge on the platforms but not a expert. I honestly and it is very very tempting to except the offer to compare them in very much detail however I'm forced to manage my free time in such a way that I get best value for my time :) not this stage. 

anyway I still believe they are doing a good job. I'm glad they started MT5 because ...really it was about time :)(reply : when you trade real money, you will care about it more than your time) 

I think you only care about charting. MT charting is not that good, and you should more pay attention beyond just charting, and always compare before saying anything. You are not a pawn, toolbox !, i don't think you are.

to what problem? your money problem? 

The problem of creating MT5 EAs visually therefore avoiding complexity and benefiting from MT5 powerful trading tools.