Forum is missing a little something

Not sure of the back end being used on this forum, but there is something that I am either missing, or this forum doesn't have, and that is a choice to go to the next topic (or thread) in the forum area you are in already.  The next thing, which I have already seen, thank for those of you who were going to point it out, only takes you to the next page of the entries for that particular thread, but not to the next topic.  Right now, it is possible to do, by clicking the 2 box icon in the upper left corner, and that does work.  However, it can get to be a pain in the ass if you are reading a lot of topics' posts in somewhat of an order.
Another thing I noticed that this forum could well make use of is another spot along the top left that allows you to select page # and forward/next reverse/prev choices like what is there for pages within the current thread, except for on the topic list.

If you have request about forum, you can ask to service desk, but there's no guarantee your request will be fullfiled.

And also it's good either to write request here, so many people can write their request and read by all user here.

and don't forget to give direct link to this page to Service Desk.

Well, the reason I posted it here first, is because if it is just me missing a button somewhere or something, then it is not really a service desk issue.  It is just me not seeing something.  However, if it is something that is designed into the program of the forum, then not sure it is something the service desk can handle.  Unless they were the ones that built the program the forum is running on.