Indicator with dialog over canvas: strange behaviour



I developed an indicator having a canvas, where I draw several lines, and a dialog.

The creation order is:

1 ONINIT: canvas creation

2 ONCALCULATE: one time creation of the dialog after the last bar drawing

everything is OK (please look at cattura3.jpg)

If I close and restart the terminal  i see cattura1.jpg  (a collapsed dialog), but I have to click one time over the underscore to have cattura2.jpg and then

I have to click another time over the two overlapped rectangular shapes to have cattura3.jpg.

How to fix this behavior? how to have not  cattura1.jpg but directly cattura2 or better cattura3  at terminal start ?

... No public  function to Maximize the dialog at the creation....


Metaeditor 5 build 1035

MQL4 build 765

Cattura3.JPG  21 kb
Cattura2.JPG  10 kb
Cattura1.JPG  10 kb
When you do right click on "Market Watch" and "Chart Window", chart window is opened completely?


Yes, everything is working fine. The same behavior if I compile the indicator: the dialog it is in this strange state,

i have to click twice  to show the dialog. The normal behavior should be click one time not two times .

Tomorrow I will recreate a clean environment to retest everything




Yes, everything is working fine. The same behavior if I compile the indicator: the dialog it is in this strange state,

i have to click twice  to show the dialog. The normal behavior should be click one time not two times .

Tomorrow I will recreate a clean environment to retest everything


Here is dependent on the size of the window in the "Restore". 


I did some testing and I discovered this:

the reported issue (two click to open the dialog instead of one click) disappears if i create canvas and dialog in Oninit; so now everything is Ok  BUT......

when I close the terminal and restart it the canvas is not properly  initialized (in the object list I do not see the bitmap label)

so now I see no graph at all , if i delete the indicator and then I apply again everything is OK.

It appears that starting the terminal delete the canvas bitmap.. so I am forced to put the canvas creation in ONINIT and the dialog creation into oncalculate (after last bar)

but now I have again the reported issue (better than no graphs at all!!)

The attached files repeat what  described : copy k2m_astro_dialog.mqh into INCLUDE directory, and K2M_DIALOG into Indicators; apply the indicator K2M_Dialog to a chart, you will see a line;

close the terminal and start again.. the line now is missing and the bitmap label is not existing


Can you please move this posts  to the technical support?



Open request at "Service Desk"

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