Backtesting Limitation


Hi All,

I have a strategy and trying to backtest with MetaTrader Version:4.0 Build 765(12 Dec 2014). I downloded last 1 year tick data from dukascopy via Tickstory Lite and test it succesfully. After fix some strategy's logical errors this time i downloded last 12 years tick data via same method for test to see long term strategy return. But somehow MetaTrader not testing all tick data and stoping after 5 years later. Is there any limitations about testing big tick data or something like that? If not is there any idea why testing is stoping early?

PS: My tick data from 2003.05.04 to  2015.05.01 but MetaTader stoping to test at 2008.07.01(last traded day). At that time i see capital grown from 10K to 26K so reason can not be not enough capital or someting like that. Besides there is no any error message on strategy log instead there is message strategy tested successfully.

