Can we change the default trading volume figures on the MT4 Order Window? POSSIBLE IDEA FOR UPDATE


Can we change the default amounts on the Order Window for the volume. I would like it to list 0.3 0.5 0.7 and 1.00 lots for now and it does not show that. It shows:






Then it just jumps from Micros to Huge Standard lot amounts





etc.. etc..

I would love to be able to change those default values to reseanable numbers like 0.3 0.5 1.00 for now and then change them again later on to the new levels that I would use.

That would be a great feature that would make MT4 even greater! Because constantly having to change the numbers on that box is tedious and annoying not to mention I have missed trades because by the time I calculate how much I should put in the price has gone already and don its thing.

If the programers allowed for the change I think people would be placing more trades because they would have all the volumes that they use right there already.

They would feel more comfortable and trade more. Plus we wouldn't have to waste time putting in the number.

Can it be done? Maybe an Idea for an update....?

Thank you gentlemen.