Scripts to close all open positions simultaneously

Any scripts to close all open positions in the same time?
You can modify the integrated script ("Close"). Please refer to the community at for the help.
Closing in "the same time" is not possible in MT4, each position will be closed one after one.
Lionel99 :
Any scripts to close all open positions in the same time?

Lionel I have on that was given to me. It closes ALL Positions regardes of currency pair or what chart you drop it on.

Here it is:

Lionel99 :
Any scripts to close all open positions in the same time?

Lionel I have on that was given to me. It closes ALL Positions regardes of currency pair or what chart you drop it on.

Here it is:

I tried clicking on that link, which didn't take me anywhere ( "page not available"). Is there somewhere I can download that ex4 file, and once I have it, how does it get inserted or used with MT4. Obviously I haven't added a script like that before, but it sure would be helpful. I spend a lot of time on Fridays closing off all of the open positions.