simulate new tick on weekend?

I am trying to troubleshoot an EA, but need to have a new tick for it to recalculate. I just need to to recycle through the ea, and print out my comments, but how do you do it on the weekend when you don't get any new ticks?

I am trying to troubleshoot an EA, but need to have a new tick for it to recalculate. I just need to to recycle through the ea, and print out my comments, but how do you do it on the weekend when you don't get any new ticks?


Unless I'm very much mistaken, there is no way of generating 'artificial' ticks.

A bottle of Jack Daniels helps kill the weekend though! :)
is there any way to get an ea to cycle through without a tick?
Copy the EA source to /experts/scripts

compile it there

run it as a script

It should run through one time and exit.

If you need nore than that, you can enclose the part you must run on every tick inside a loop.

   while(IsStopped() == false){
      .. looping EA code...
      Sleep(1000); // 1 second

Thanks. That works.
ok, now I have another question. Can you get rid of some bars (go back in time) and see what the results were? In backtesting, my EA entered some trades it shouldn't have, and I can't figure out why. I need to see what the values of the variables were when it entered to see where the problems is. So can I get rid of some of my latest bars, so it will show me the values when the trade occurred?

Never mind. I figured out how to make it work. I just went into the history center, and deleted some data, then opened an offline chart.
In the Strategy Tester, visual mode:

Start it, pause.

Dress up the chart as you like, with indicators, maybe a test indicator to display what you want to see
in the Comment or other method of display.

Save a template of that with the same name as the EA, it will load those settings on restart of the test of that EA.
If your EA is named "Dummy" save a template as "Dummy".

And un-pause.
Umm! Que esperanzas mi amigo !!! , Sorry ... but it was a little funny ... jajaja ...