Getting the Credit of an Order

Hi folks,
The task I want to complete is to get the credit of all orders opened by my EA. Not the total for the account, which you can get by calling AccountCredit(). I couldn't find any easy way, so I wrote in, my opinion, rather complex code for the matter. Here it is:

//Gets the credit of all opened orders with the given "magicNumber".
double GetCredit(int magicNumber)
   double credit = 0;
   int totalOrders = OrdersTotal();
   for (int i = 0; i < totalOrders; i++)
      OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS);
      if (OrderMagicNumber() == magicNumber && OrderOpenTime() != 0)
         string baseCurrency = StringSubstr(OrderSymbol(), 0, 3);
         credit += OrderLots() * AccountLeverage() * GetValueOfCurrency(baseCurrency, AccountCurrency());
   return (credit);

//Gets the current value of one unit of "currency" measured in "counterCurrency".
double GetValueOfCurrency(string currency, string counterCurrency)
   string currencyPair = StringConcatenate(currency, counterCurrency);
   double val = MarketInfo(currencyPair, MODE_BID);
   int lastError = GetLastError();
   if (lastError == 0 || lastError == 1)
      return (val);
      currencyPair = StringConcatenate(counterCurrency, currency);
      val = MarketInfo(currencyPair, MODE_ASK);
      val = 1 / val;
      return (val);

This won't work for example with idexes. Also if my account currency does not match in a currency pair with all base currencies, that are in opened orders, it will fail. I even thought about path finding in gaphs, where every node is a currencyPair, so I can find what exchanges are to be made to link two currencies. But that's waaaaay too complex.
So, do you know any easier way to get a order's credit?