"Recalculate" option

Metaquotes suggests that you submit your request for having the "recalculate" option put back into MT4 in future builds by submitting a suggestion at the following link.

Various issues have come to light since this option was removed. (search under "recalculate" in this forum) If one of these issues affect you, please submit a suggestion.

The issues relate to using tick charts and being forced to recalculate data that has already been calculated instead of drawing it from cache.
That is the first thing that I did. Just like in 211 "modeling quality" reads n/a now. And no response yet. I know they are busy with competition.
I mirrored JOATMON sentiments in the TSD forum and got a single response! - a testament to the fact that while 95% of Metatrader users don't know an integer from a double, they still expect everything to be done for them for free. Sad...
For free?!
I pay around half my profits to my broker, who didn't just download the platform I guess.
For free?!
I pay around half my profits to my broker, who didn't just download the platform I guess.

Ah yes, but we have got to support the hard-working brokers and their familys, don't you know - a privilege of sorts... :D
Polite requests have a chance (even if it is very small) Impolite requests and bashing just tag this thread as "Ignore" for MQ staff. Do we want to get our request considered or not?!