recalculate needed

On my development metatrader platform I am normaly not connected to server, so I don't want to recalculate. Plus if I did recalculate it won't change anything as my data has not changed. It is just a wast of time.

Please put back in the recalculate again.
On my development metatrader platform I am normaly not connected to server, so I don't want to recalculate. Plus if I did recalculate it won't change anything as my data has not changed. It is just a wast of time.

Please put back in the recalculate again.

I agree. The lack of a recalculate checkbox is causing enormous problems for me. It bogs down testing terribly when it recalculates each time. Please, please, please put it back.
I concur 100%, as I have already mentioned on another thread.

MetaQuotes, please just put the Tester back the way it was in Build 208.

Thanks in advance.
People, you are wasting your time - Metaquotes don't feel it necessary to even discuss the 'Recalculate' removal with 'us', not to talk about re-including it!!! If it was simply their way of not allowing the use of third-party price data, I could live with that. But they are blatantly out to make developing EA's with Metatrader as difficult as possible - while at the same time milking the EA Championship for all it's worth. "Hypocrites" doesn't do them justice...

The only way we would see its re-inclusion was if the brokers (US) were forced to stop using it - anti-customer practice etc. - then you would see Metaquotes re-include it in a heartbeat.

Is there any organisation Stateside that one could email?
So many people also go through many difficulties to have their own tick by tick real data and now they can NOT.

At least have this "recalculate" as an option for all that want it. There is another thread I think on title "build 210" about this.

And as of build 211 this problem is not fixed yet.

Come on MetaQuotes please comment here:!
If it was simply their way of not allowing the use of third-party price data

The only problem is, that they are not allowing the use of collected data either, which can be done with THEIR public scripts, that ARE still CURRENTLY available on Meaning that they provide traders with not working scripts. This is contradiction, which usually indicates malicious intention. => I agree that we are wasting time here.
Btw. I wonder how they will force us to not use build 208.

Hey omelette, I guess we could talk about this for long hours by a keg of beer. :)
....Btw. I wonder how they will force us to not use build 208.

Hey omelette, I guess we could talk about this for long hours by a keg of beer. :)

Technically, there is no way they can stop you from developing with '208 - as long as you 'firewall' off this version (in case they have coded it to 'force' an update eventually). I do remember reading here one user saying that this 'forced update' happened to him, though it was a while ago now.

It's just so damn fustrating that something so seemingly trivial is being 'messed with'. They obviously have a reason though, which obviously isn't pro-user, and this is the reason they are refusing to discuss it.

I'm seriously considering moving to Amibroker. Technically, it is better in every concievable respect than Metatrader - the developer support is outstanding. The downside(s) are that it's a commercial program (cheap though!) it doesn't have MT's broker-integration, and the steep learning curve - Amibrokers programming language is MUCH more extensive than Metaquotes' feeble offering. Plus, I have invested an awful lot of time in Metatrader...

PS - I don't talk much after drinking a keg of beer... :D:D:D
omelette 18.10.07 21:14

People, you are wasting your time - Metaquotes don't feel it necessary to even discuss the 'Recalculate' removal with 'us', not to talk about re-including it!!!

A simple "No we will not be putting the recalculate button back into future builds" would be sufficient. Non response to this issue or any issue is the worst kind of "customer disservice". Please do us the service of responding MT staff. We deserve the courtesy, and is that not after all one of the purposes of this forum? You expect feedback from us on issues, now we need feedback from you.
What was it you wanted again?

Using this page you can send a request directly to the working place of a programmer responsible for either component of trading platform MetaTrader 4. Unlike email, this method of informing developers is more efficient and reliable since the request is sent directly to the group development environment and logged.

If you have some suggestions or you want to inform about an error, fill out the form below, please.
Yes I have sent this request with the link above (as probably others have too). No response. I thought with all these people wanting we get something back here from .
omelette 18.10.07 21:14

People, you are wasting your time - Metaquotes don't feel it necessary to even discuss the 'Recalculate' removal with 'us', not to talk about re-including it!!!

A simple "No we will not be putting the recalculate button back into future builds" would be sufficient. Non response to this issue or any issue is the worst kind of "customer disservice". Please do us the service of responding MT staff. We deserve the courtesy, and is that not after all one of the purposes of this forum? You expect feedback from us on issues, now we need feedback from you.

No we will not be putting the recalculate button back into future builds.