MT4 + ECN - page 3

I still cannot find a sigle interbank offering MT4 and REAL spreads. All I can find out is interbank feed with FIXED spread and a very bad execution....
I still cannot find a sigle interbank offering MT4 and REAL spreads. All I can find out is interbank feed with FIXED spread and a very bad execution....

Use search engines.
Anyone here looking for asssitance from MetaQuotes in building an MT4 to ECN bridge, please consider that MetaTrader charges the brokers for the MT4 software. The Brokers recover the costs of providing this free software to traders by making money from traders. MT4 wasn't only designed for easy trader use - it was also designed for ease of broker "integration". If MetaTrader helped to circumvent this business arrangement they would lose their client base (the "bucket shop" brokers) so don't expect any real assistance. The better brokers and ECN's provide other third party or proprietary platforms that in my experience can be less trader friendly and requires a new learning curve to become comfortable and familiar with. There's a reason why MetaQuotes is evasive in his replies. The bottom line is we, as traders, need to work collaboratively to develop, test and implement bridges both custom and third party options. If anyone out there has any success in these ventures, the rest of us would surely appreciate your sharing it......
...If MetaTrader helped to circumvent this business arrangement they would lose their client base (the "bucket shop" brokers)...

Avail trading Corp has it now. the have successfully bridged MT4 with Hot Spot and Currenex now. I have a working demo if you would like one. my website is if you'd like to visit and glean more info.
Hello, this company have bridge that connect MT4 to any ECN including currenex, bank of america, hotspot and so on, it's worth contacting them to find out about their services
...If MetaTrader helped to circumvent this business arrangement they would lose their client base (the "bucket shop" brokers)...

False indeed. MQ participates in servicing it's products and customers as any other API provider does, which from an international perspective is a positive accomplishment.

ATC Brokers, (Avail Trading Corp), has in fact created not just a limited bridge like others, but (S)traight (T)hrough (P)rocessing integration of the MT4 system, to multi-provider, Pro level data with untouched spreads, bank liquidity resources and lightening fast executions AT RETAIL. ATC Brokers has it's own technical arm and may well have raised the bar higher than the rest yet.

Seeing is believing. Google is your friend.


I've read everyones posts.. If anyone is interested, offers a raw price feed (no mark ups) that they offer on their MT4. They refer to it as "institutional pricing"... here's the deal, 25K min. deposit $5 commission, no commission if you start w/ 100K. Closest I have found to ECN on MT4, they're a MM but honest and friendly from what I and a few buddies of mine have experienced. IMO



ECN solution exists for those who intend to trade

huge account and trade often. ECN is not for

the typical small minded traders who only have

$200 to open an account with. So for those

with less than $10,000, stop hankering for ECN

model; you do not qualify. But for those that

do, look here. ECN + MT4 model exists.