Build 540 (Nov 11- 2011) Strategy Tester is Pausing at 99.9%

I am experiencing a lot of delay for the strategy tester pausing at 99.9% completion. Is there a way that we can stop the automated updating? Yes, you fix something in the new build but then something else is broken. 

Try to turn off UAC and reboot PC.

Try to turn off UAC and reboot PC.
Yes, I have turned off the UAC and rebooted the PC. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and this issue have been replicated on 4 different computers. MT5 would get to 99.9% and then froze for 5 minutes before the results are generated.  Anyone else observing this issue? it makes optimization a nightmare as the process take 5 times longer. 
Yes, I have turned off the UAC and rebooted the PC.
I didn't understand - did it help you or not?
I didn't understand - did it help you or not?

Try to turn off UAC and reboot PC. 


No, it does not help. 

very strange!