Converting MT4 Indicator to MT5


Hi All

Yesterday I had MT4 and on it I had a simple indicator that showed me both the 14 day ATR and the current range of today's price action in numbers in a 'Comment' in the top left corner of the chart.  The code I used was this-


       double My_ATR=iATR(NULL,1440,periods,1);

       double todays_range=iHigh(NULL,1440,0)-iLow(NULL,1440,0);

       Comment("\n14 day ATR = ",My_ATR,"   Todays Range = ",todays_range);


As you can see it is very simple and displays the extent of my coding skills perfectly!

Today I have MT5 and decided I would like to show the same information in my charts.  I have spent the last 5 hours trying to work out MT5 coding and have failed miserably.  I have got to the stage where I have lost the will to live!  I am sure that the MT5 coding is far more reliable and versatile than its MT4 predecessor ain't for simple folk!

Can someone convert my little bit of code to the MT5 equivalent for me please along with all the bits and pieces that need to be declared, talked about, eluded to etc?

Thanks in advance.


Paul Eamonn