MQL5 Cloud Network launched - page 6

In the amount of produced work bar chart, what does the green bar and red bar mean ?

Green bar - previous day value

Red bar - growth for the current day

Thank you. It seems the processed work grows great recently. But it doesn't make more money except Jun 4.

Omg, I'am waitin like crazy for ATC.

Little suggestion about stats page: You should do live feed on how busy is cloud. And maybe memorate times when there are deficit of agents.


Hello. Am relatively new to this "Mql5 cloud network for optimizing" and i have done all i think i need to do to make this work after i read lots of article(including :speed up calculation with the MQL5 network ) on this forum that relates to how to use this great tools but i keep getting error saying "NON OF THE SELECTED AGENTS IS READY, TESTING NOT STARTED".

My questions now are

1. When is the best time to do the testing because i have tried it @ different time i keep getting same msg even after i see over hundreds of agents from different region ready to be used

2. Want to know if i put more money into my mql5 account i will not be getting this msg cos i have just $4.10 in my account now and still  cant  access the agents

3. I seriously want to use this great tool so i can submit my EA. So i need to know what am not getting right so i can fix it

Thanks so much 

Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Connect to the MQL5 Cloud Network (Cloud Computing) and earn extra income around the clock — there is much work for you computer!
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Single test can not be run using cloud agents, a local core (processor) is enough for this purpose.

Cloud agents can be used for Optimization  (go to the Settings tab, select any type of optimization and click start, and you'll see the cloud agents starting to work).

1. You can run it any time

2. The balance is not connected to this error, it will be enough to test

3. Already answered above


Single test can not be run using cloud agents, a local core (processor) is enough for this purpose.

Cloud agents can be used for Optimization  (go to the Settings tab, select any type of optimization and click start, and you'll see the cloud agents starting to work).

1. You can run it any time

2. The balance is not connected to this error, it will be enough to test

3. Already answered above


When using the cloud, it does a number of tests using my own processor agents, then stops them and starts using the cloud, so when it is using the cloud it does not use my own agents so I am paying form more cloud use than I need to...  see attached screen shot, the local agents finished only then did the cloud agents actually start processing anything whilst the local agents do nothing.

If I disallow the cloud agents then the local agents start up again

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Did you use genetic algorithm? If yes, that might be a case. Sometimes I try do optimizations via my hardware only and there was a situation when some cores wait for others. If you don't like that try full (slow) optimization.
Did you use genetic algorithm? If yes, that might be a case. Sometimes I try do optimizations via my hardware only and there was a situation when some cores wait for others. If you don't like that try full (slow) optimization.
I don't have that option the number of tests is too great so it automatically does genetic anyway
in that case, just let cloud do work., while your cpus will work but only limited time because they will act like direction choosers for cloud to go. I mean, no worries it's worth to use a cloud.