Automated Trading Championship 2011: First Week Report


From the first seconds of Monday, October 3, 2011 the quotes of the MetaQuotes-Demo trading server started their flow, almost four hundred trading terminals of the competition participants came to life and the first deals were made during the first seconds of the Championship. According to our experience, FIFO (First In, First Out) principle is most common during the competition. It means that the Expert Advisors which started their trading activity from the first minutes will most probably be the first to fall out of the race.

The first two days everyone's attention was grabbed by the successfull start of the participant sallirom from Spain. For such a short time the Expert Advisor enlarged the volume of the open position up to the maximum permissible value of 15 lots. Also, the Expert Advisor modified the Stop Loss of the open position actively. Finally, the deal was fixed with $12 140 of profit and the balance reached $22 140! But this is where sallirom's luck ended. A series of loss-making deals has devastated the balance. And now it is equal to less than $5000. It is hard to believe that there were the moments when the value of equity reached $34000!

The Champion crown was at once picked up by the Expert Advisor of gery18 from Slovakia and for now it seems it is not going to drop it. The Expert Advisor has finished the week without open positions but having almost $35000 on its account.

The full text is available on the Championship website - First Week Report.

The Sponsors of the Automated Trading Championship 2011 are MIG Bank, Go Markets and Vantage FX. The Media Sponsor of the Championship is Forex-TSD.