How to recover optimization data after metatester crash?


Hello everyone.

I was performing an optimization on metatester 5 with about 80 000 steps.

When it missed about 2% to finish the optimization metatester crashed.

Is there any way to recover the data from the 98% optimization already done?

Is there any way to restart from the 98% optimization already done and finish it?

Any help is most appreciated

You're probably SOL as the last few percent is when the data gets saved. It can't make the report before completion and MetaTrader overall is kind of rubbish so there's no crash recovery in place.
All calculated data is in MT5\Tester\cache\*.opt files, which can be opened in the Tester.
fxsaber #:
All calculated data is in MT5\Tester\cache\*.opt files, which can be opened in the Tester.

Thank you for your reply.

I have already checked MT5\Tester\cache\*.opt files.

There is no file for the crashed optimization.

It seems that MT5\Tester\cache\*.opt files are created only after the optimization is complete (after all steps are performed).
James McKnight #:
You're probably SOL as the last few percent is when the data gets saved. It can't make the report before completion and MetaTrader overall is kind of rubbish so there's no crash recovery in place.

Thank you for your reply.

Indeed, it seems that MT5\Tester\cache\*.opt files are created only after the optimization is complete (after all steps are performed).

My question is: Where is all data stored during the optimization process. It seems the only place where it may be retrieved by now.

AquilaRal #:

It seems that MT5\Tester\cache\*.opt files are created only after the optimization is complete (after all steps are performed).

This is not true. New data is being written to the cache.

fxsaber #:

This is not true. New data is being written to the cache.

Cached opt files

Thank you again for your quickly reply

I am attaching an image with cached opt files.

There are only files from completed optimization.

I have also tested your idea. I run an optimization test a realized that:

  • ·         There is indeed an opt file created in cache at the beginning of the test.
  • ·         That file is not updated until the test is complete.

From the attached print screen one can see that there is an opt file from the 12th with 5KB created at 1:23 PM. That is the time I started the optimization. It crashed about 8 hours later.

AquilaRal #:

From the attached print screen one can see that there is an opt file from the 12th with 5KB created at 1:23 PM. That is the time I started the optimization. It crashed about 8 hours later.

This means that during all this time the tester did not receive results.

fxsaber #:

This means that during all this time the tester did not receive results.

I have the same problem......that an opt file is created in cache at the beginning of the test and the opt file is not updated until the test is complete or if I press STOP to the optimization. so all the optimization results must be stored in memory until optimization is finished or stopped. Anybody knows how to make MT5, to update the opt file at the end of each tester run?

Fxsaber would your TesterCache.mqh in anyway be able to create a similar opt file at the end of each EA test run and continually writing to the same file with new test results?