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Amir Yacoby #:

// mID = mOCC;

I thought you have forgotten this code, so I added it on my own. Lesson learned, always trust experts :) 

Paul Anscombe #:
You are making massive assumptions about what I think….  When did I suggest simple guess work?

You made it clear you didn’t like my suggestions, which you have now done and which would have led to this point 4 days ago  so pointless me telling you how to fix it now because you won’t be interested.  I merely posted again in the hope you realise your mistake, like so many here, of being so dismissive of answers received, but no your latest post is still dismissive 

If a person already knows the answer they want why ask a question?

Hi Paul

I will be HAPPY if you refrain from trying to help me out, as suggestion really did not help.

"like so many here, of being so dismissive of answers received", if this is really happening to you many times and with others too!!!

It is time to find out what is wrong with your answers.

Anil Varma #:

Hi Paul

I will be HAPPY if you refrain from trying to help me out, as suggestion really did not help.

"like so many here, of being so dismissive of answers received", if this is really happening to you many times and with others too!!!

It is time to find out what is wrong with your answers.

Seriously.  I told you to print to journal at each declaration and delete.  And I told you to post some code.  You didn’t like that !!!   Four days later you do it and the problem resolves.   Take some responsibility for your own stupidity