Artificial Intelligence: The New Frontier in Coding for Expert Advisors and Indicators - page 2

Alessandro Riggi # :
There will come a time when developers who know how to program will compete against each other, and of the two, the one who uses AI assistance will win.

Maybe that day hasn't come yet
It could take days, decades.
For the moment, this is not yet the case

Are you talking about code development?

you already need good wording. So when you make your request to the AI, you're already the one working, and I don't think the AI can have any ideas.

Afterwards there is the generation of the code which covers many subjects
Debugging, for example, is far from an easy task.
and then the tests, the unexpected behaviors to find and resolve

There is time left before the AI can handle a request and complete maintenance of a code

I come from business management development.
I remember a version requested by a customer. The version was perfect.

The customer requested a very small change. In human language just a few words to express a need.

This detail took 3 weeks of work to put into the algorithm, as his request included so many changes.
AI will not be able to do this quickly

Conor Mcnamara #:

It will be rare that it will get something done for you. If it is simple, there's a chance. But there's a reason why most of us developers aren't bothered or patient with talking to it. We spent years doing the hard work to become programmers, it was a lot of hard work and dedication. It's simply a kick in the teeth to think that we should ignore our past and let a computer take over our skills. If we can work on both simple and complex tasks 100x more efficiently than AI, then we will!

I believe that a person who doesn't know how to program can never truly replace an expert developer. However, I think that expert developers will eventually be able to do their work in half the time because they will get help from AI. In my opinion, you can't oppose this evolution... it's like the early days of the internet.
Alessandro Riggi #:
I believe that a person who doesn't know how to program can never truly replace an expert developer. However, I think that expert developers will eventually be able to do their work in half the time because they will get help from AI. In my opinion, you can't oppose this evolution... it's like the early days of the internet.
It can definitely be used to do some easy menial tasks to save time, that's a fact. But as professional developers, it's our duty to ensure there are no caveats or race conditions in the code. AI does something quickly without any forethought or debugging, and we would need to be able to catch the mistakes AI makes.
That could be an uneeded headache if you know what I mean. If you're interested in the development side, there's always time to start learning the languages, and there's no mistake in learning. You'll feel better for it too. I believe that anyone can learn to code and think like a programmer. Good luck on your journey