TimeDaySavingLight () Function

Have anyone has some examples of Coding MQL5 for TimeDaySavingLight How to use this function. 

Chart times are broker times.

How can MetaQuotes know all brokers' (they come and go daily) Time zone and Daylight savings time (if they use it and including historical changes for back testing)? Do you have that information for just you and your broker? Only then, with code, can you convert session times to broker's time to UTC to local time. You can use offset inputs, but then you must maintain them correctly, through all three DST changes when they occur.
          When is the time zone problem going to be fixed? - General - MQL5 programming forum (2020)

Brokers use a variety of time zones, their local time, with or without Daylight Savings Time (DST), London (GMT/BST), UTC, London+2, UTC+2, NY+7.

Thank you for your help