Feature request - Competent manual testing


I'd like to make a suggestion regarding manual testing using MT. If other people are interested in manual testing please write your thoughts here so maybe the MT team will notice this request ;)

CURRENT implementation:
The user sets AutoScroll property to False and moves the chart back in time using the mouse. Then the user starts testing while using F12 to bring each future bar on the chart.

-- There are a couple of major DRAWBACKS in current implementation:
1. It is very easy to drag by mistake (with the mouse or a few keys like End) the chart back into the future and if the user can see what's next then the whole testing activity is destroyed.
2. The last bar it is always glued on the right side of the chart, near the scale numbers, thus it is impossible to read leading indicators like time cycles or trendlines.

PROPOSED implementation:
This proposal tries to correct the above drawbacks by adding in MT a "true" manual testing capability. This capability is enabled by setting a property on the chart, like "Enable replay mode", and when enabled the chart cannot be moved in the future by dragging or anything, just like there is no data. A new bar in the future can be manually feed like in the current implementation, by pressing F12. Also if the property "Chart shift" is enabled then the last test bar will not be glued to the right side, just like a usual chart.

Geez, sorry for the fuss :P

This method still doesn't allow multiple charts being open and replayed at the same time - for example 5M, 15M, 1H EURUSD. Any plans to add true data playback features to MT4?
This method still doesn't allow multiple charts being open and replayed at the same time - for example 5M, 15M, 1H EURUSD. Any plans to add true data playback features to MT4?

See this script:
//|                                                  ChartScroll.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2006, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                        http://www.metaquotes.net |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2006, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "http://www.metaquotes.net"
#include <WinUser32.mqh>

int      MT4InternalMsg=0;
datetime first_pos;
int      periods[5]={ PERIOD_M1,PERIOD_M5,PERIOD_M15,PERIOD_M30,PERIOD_H1 };
int      handles[5];

int init()
   MT4InternalMsg = RegisterWindowMessageA("MetaTrader4_Internal_Message");
   Print("Registered message ",MT4InternalMsg);
   for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
         if(handles[i]==NULL) Print(Symbol(),",",periods[i]," not found");
      else handles[i]=NULL;

//| script program start function                                    |
int start()
   datetime pos;
         for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
            if(handles[i]!=NULL) PostMessageA(handles[i],MT4InternalMsg,55,first_pos+periods[i]*60);

from "MQL4: Визуализация тестирования. Расширение функциональности."

I have the same feelings as Alex, while using the above scripts you can get good enough manual testing it would be much easier to access it and user friendlier if it would be built right in the user interface, so users don't have to deal with scripts and such.
This script unfortunately doesn't scroll other charts bar by bar when in visual testing mode. It works only when manually scrolling the chart with this script attached.

I'd like a "native" system which would behave like standard MT4, but would work on history data, some sort of Replay or Offline mode. With variable replay speed of course :).

A program called Forex Tester does this, but it too works on one chart at a time only (for now, they've promised multiple chart support in next major version).

Hi Rosh,

Could you please show us more information about MetaTrader4_Internal_Message ?

all of the Internel comments ? e.g, How can i get datetime when i press the mouse on the Chat ?

Could you please help me solving this topic : http://www.metatrader4.com

Thanks in advance.

qingyang2005 :

Hi Rosh,

Could you please show us more information about MetaTrader4_Internal_Message ?

all of the Internel comments ? e.g, How can i get datetime when i press the mouse on the Chat ?

Could you please help me solving this topic : https://www.metatrader4.com/

Thanks in advance.

Try see there - https://www.mql5.com/en/code/8646